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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  September 28, 2013 3:00am-7:01am PDT

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>> good morning, everyone. it is saturday, september 28th. thanks for expwroing us i'm alisyn camerota. countdown to a possible government shutdown i sound like a broken record. >> you do. >> before the president ramps up the rhetoric. >> we are not gonna do this under the threat of blowing up the entire economy. i will not negotiate over congress' responsibility to pay the bills that have already been racked up. >> alisyn: why he is turning to that kind of rhetoric instead of negotiating. >> and speaking of negotiating, the president won't talk to congress but the president will talk to the head of iran.
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no problem, president obama may -- makes historic phone call is that diplomatic break through or big trap. >> can fighting ever in front of your children can be a good thing? new study says yes. making the case for the couple to have arguments had the kids are around. sound like a good idea to you? weigh in right now on ff weekend on twitter. "fox & friends" begins right now. four hour show. guest the coffee. >> hi my name is alexandra. and you are watching my favorite show, "fox & friends first." >> alisyn: oh, yes, she follows in her mother's foot steps projecting loudly. that's my daughter. >> should we make the announcement now that alexandra camerota is going to be taking over "fox & friends" weekend for alisyn camerota who is departing us today. >> i first did "fox & friends" 13 years ago. i first did "fox & friends."
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not the weekend show. i filled in 13 years ago. i remember it vividly and the weekend show is right when it started. i would fly down from boston all the time and work with you and everybody. >> we weekend show did start in 2002 or right at the end of 2001. that's right. >> yeah. >> used to be a pet show before that. there was like animals. >> there was a pet show, yes. >> well, we have a lot of news to get to and he we will look back at some of our favorite moments throughout the show. >> i found some great camerota moments from the archives. >> wow, i'm scared. >> first, this we're heading for a shutdown, guys. weekend showdown over othe buntd bill looms as the house gets back to work in a few hours by a party line vote the senate has sent over a stop gap funding bill that also provides money to the president's healthcare law. >> hi jen. >> good morning, guys. all eyes will be on the house of representatives where it is not even clear that legislators will vote on a crucial funding bill.
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the deadline for a government shutdown is looming as you mentioned. just two days away. the senate sent back to the house a bill that would keep the government open november 15th, but also reinsert language to continue funding president obama's healthcare mandate. republican senators voted against this bill. >> these extremists are more interested in putting on a show as one republican colleague showed it than in legislating. >> right now harry reid thinks that the house republicans will blink. we are not ready to blink. we are not blinking. we are taking no dozen. our goal right now is to make sure that we do what we have been told to do and sent to do. and that is get it right with obama care. >> all right. the ball is now in house speaker john boehner's court. house republicans plan to meet noon today to see if they can unite behind a strategy. it's not clear whether they will even get to a vote today. the senate is not expected to return until monday afternoon, 10 hours before a looming shutdown could go
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into effect. speaker boehner has limited options. the real trick, if there is a shot june, how to leave voters blaming senate democrats rather than republican lawmakers. that's what's going on in washington today. back to you guys. >> apparently the republicans -- thanks, jen -- are going to meet around noon today. the talk also go on all weekend long. >> jen said we might have a vote. on the show representative hencer ling on the show and another big representative on the show from south dakota whose early morning name escapes me. >> christie nelson. >> i posted on our google plus page. get your questions in for representatives christie hymn and representative hencerling this morning. deja vu feels like day all over again or groundhog day. the last few years leading up to the cliff and at the 11th hour for whatever reasonable they cobble together some sort of agreement even though up until then they have made
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it seem as though there is no negotiating possible and the name-calling from one side to the other is really ridiculous. this is one things that americans say they hate and, yet, congress does it all the time. the democrats are certainly lobbing this week. >> we have never defaulted in our history. we keep going up to the edge and up to the edge, and up to the edge. >> it would be catastrophic. >> use those terms, blow the thing up. you are going to blow up the economy. you are going to burn down the house. >> dan pfeiffer, the add advisor to the president saying we are not going to negotiate with people strapped to a bomb to their chest. >> the president said we are not going to negotiate with people with a bomb strapped to their chest. president taking though this rhetoric as well no negotiation here. listen to the president's heated rhetoric. >> we are not gonna do this under the threat of blowing up the entire economy. i will not negotiate over congress' responsibility to pay the bills that have already been racked up. do not threaten to burn the
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house down simply because you haven't gotten 100% of your way. the american people have worked too hard to recover from a bunch of crises, several of them now over the last couple of years inflicted by some the same folks in congress that we're talking about now to see extremists in congress cause another crisis. >> extremists. >> so disheartening to hear that rhetoric. >> you are lumping together these two things, the debt ceiling which is separate from. this and then you also have the government shutdown which in some instances and some people say at least on the republican side is minimal at best. nasa will still function. you will still have many of the government services. mail will still go out. you won't be able to go to mount rushmore. >> the idea that the government would shut down pleases some people because they believe the government is so woefulfully bloated.
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remember it was after the tragedy of the mass shooting where gabby giffords was so critically wounded. people say we have got to take it down a notch. we have got to stop it we all love each other. she came back into the -- when she recovered and came back, the floor, everybody felt so warm. we have for goaten that, -- forgotten that. >> memorial used those terms, tamp it down, back off. >> al gore has forgotten that message apparently and is using just the most heated rhetoric. here is what al gore said to the brookings institution this week. >> i think the only praise that describes it is political terrorism. and now you want to threaten to not only shut down our government but to blow up the world economy unless we go back and undo what we did according to the processes of our democracy? how dare you. >> political terrorism. let us know what you think about that.
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>> of course now he works for al jazeera. and big oil companies out of the middle east. let us know what you think about that also being critical this morning of the president are the republicans for jumping on the phone, instead of with republicans, to talk about some of the debt ceiling debate and, of course, government shutdown to talk about the head of iran. >> for the first time since 1979. >> yeah, this is ruin any. runriew rouhani. you want to see the photograph of the president of the united states shaking hands with the president of iran? is that going to come back to haunt you? >> first time in three decades that the president of the united states and the president of iran has spoken to each other. that is note worthy. if it were to work and there were some sort of thawing of relations that would be a great first step. many people say that iran doesn't appear, through its actions, to be wanting to have. >> through actions.
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iran is hacking into the united states navy while the president is speaking, hacking us. >> this guy seems like is he ready to negotiate because he is he sick and tired of the sanctions that is crushing his people. so you actually may have some movement there. the bulk of the phone call presidents two presidents were around the nuclear issue. charles krauthammer though says this phone call and our intentions, we are just walking right into a big trap. listen. >> what they are doing very clearly is engaging the president of the united states, the west in these negotiations to give them just the extra time they need to build a bomb, moderate, unquote, rouhani, the new president. he was the chief negotiator for iran, exactly a decade ago. and he said he boasted in his speech in iran that while he was negotiating with the eu 3, britain, france and germany.
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the iranians were able to finish a uranium facility. rouhani has been saying all week at the u.n. that iran has never worked on a bomb that everyone knows is a double lie. obama takes the third statement, which is clearly a lie, as somehow on face value and is now optimistic. that's the new basis of our negotiations. >> ominous from charles krauthammer. we would love to hear what you all have to say. please find us on twitter. i forgot to welcome you. hi mike jerrick. in for tucker carlson who is in this weekend. what are you doing here? get to your headlines a lot we have to tell you about. new details about the pilot who suffered a deadly heart attack at 34,000 people prompting that emergency landing. he has been identified as 63-year-old henry stillern. the passengers who rushed to help him were two young army doctors. they pulled him, who was described as a heavy man,
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from the cockpit and performed cpr. >> i saw them working on the captain. it was very impressive, how they worked together. >> despite everything the pilot did die a few hours later at a hospital in boise, idaho. new overnight the suspect arrested in a stabbing death of a dodger's fan released from jail. not enough evidence to charge michael montgomery with the murder of 24-year-old jonathan denver. they have not questioned all the witnesses yesterday. denver died wednesday following a confrontation after the game. that was the dodger's game in san francisco. investigators say they could arrest montgomery again if they find more evidence against him. and some dramatic new video showing the moment survivors of the kenya mall massacre were rescued from a butcher's freezer. [speaking foreign language]
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>> this group of men here was apparently locked inside the freezer. they had locked themselves in there. this is in a supermarket. this is when the gang of al shabaab terrorists stormed that mall a week ago. police finally finding them and getting them to safety several hours later. the new video comes as u.s. intelligence warns al shabaab may be planning new attack in east after from can a. those your headlines at this hour. >> all right. get over to rick reichmuth who isenned sting by in our adjacent weather center. >> hello, jason. i like that. >> right here. >> i could spit on you from here. >> you are. >> i know. [ laughter ] >> as long as i'm facing that way, i probably am. here is your temps as you are waking up this morning. very warm across parts of the plains. cold front moving through. that will bring a lot of rain across parts of the plains show you that. east coast spectacular day again, if such a great stretch of nice weather. that stretch of nice weather looks like it will continue for another four to five days so enjoy it this right here is the problem though.
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cold front stretching down all the center of the country bring heavy rain. maybe a few spots of an inch or two of rain across texas and oklahoma. out across the west, southwest looking good. really from northern california south you are fine. there is a steady stream of moisture coming on in and bring a lot of rain across the pacific northwest. maybe about 8 inches of rain by the time this is done the next few days. all right, guys, send it back to you. >> all right, coming up on the show. obama care exchanges set to open in a few days. what are you most concerned about? our next guest is tracking your thoughts across all of social media. >> and, was the power too tempting? nsa workers caught red handed spying on love interests. maybe their wives, their girlfriends? details on the latest scandal next. would you do it? >> i don't think so. >> alli would, of course. i'm not love interest.
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...from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness™ >> well, with just days remaining before obama care, health exchanges are set to open. the public still deeply divided and confused about the law. many taking the social media to voice their opinions on the impact of its implementation. what impact it will have on their families and the country as a whole. >> confusion is a good word. with us now is michael, marketing expert and ceo of mislanski and partners to find out what consumers
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think about obama care online. there is a lot of confusion, michael. >> there is a lot of confusion. >> we set out onto see what consumers are saying a week before before the exchanges open. >> are we just not paying attention? >> are not paying attention to what this will actually mean to people individually. it's still a political debate right now. almost all the tweets going back and forth are on one side or the other of the debate. not what it's going to be like searching for healthcare on the exchanges and actually. >> do people admit if they are tweeting whether they're republic can or democrat? >> they don't have. it's fascinating when you look at some of these pieces of social media you found over 89,000 discussions about the affordable healthcare act? >> yes. that was over the course of a month and actually over the last two days there has really started to be an up tick. a lot of it is because of politics. buff now i think people are starting to get into the conversation. >> okay. so we got some tweets from "fox & friends." viewers, these are things that you have scoured and found. so we have one up here from brandon jones. he says got more obama care
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bad news. mom's medicare co-pay as has doubled and tripled on web. she has to have momma's way to get rid of old. >> get rid of old people? that's trmg. because what most of the numbers coming out are saying is if you are older and less healthy, those are the people who are going to benefit most from obama care. it's the younger people who may not have health insurance who may have high deductible health insurance that may see premium increases. the point is there is a loft confusion much the whole political debate going on now makes a confusing issue even more confusing which isn't good for the exchanges. >> look at another example. bob here health insurance for young people is doubling. they won't blame. system will starve. >> yeah, they are asking young people to sign up. you say the younger people maybe don't benefit the most. >> i think those are the people who have either stayed away from insurance in the past because they didn't want to spend the money. didn't think they had the money. and now they are going to
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face a situation where if they wanted health insurance it might be more expensive. the big question for the system is will they sign up? >> here is another email get to this. health insurance triples for some in nebraska. obama says this still isn't true. is he defending signature legislation that defines him. he is he going to promote it no matter what the consequences that from another viewer. >> we say in our business it's not what you say in this business it's what people hear. people are hearing a a whole lot of confusion that their prices are likely to go up. the sales job for the obama team is just getting harder with all the politics that's going on and all the confusion that's out there. >> that's why they're taking to these promotional campaigns to get the message out about it. >> >> that michael. >> well, caught on camera, how about this? a driver trying to make a run from police hits a car, spins out of control, how the story ended for this guy. >> made it here this morning. >> then the family that fights together, stays together. should parents really be airing their dirty laundry
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in front of their kids? he we will debate that next. i say yes. >> you do? you argue in front of the kids? >> yeah. then you have got to resolve it in front of the kids. resolution. ♪ wow...look at you.
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been indicted for surgery in the shooting death of oden lloyd. police are investigating what shae anna jenkins may know about a missing murder weapon. hernandez has pleaded not guilty to first degree murder. is he being held right now without bail. and a goodwill store in florida deciding to drop all charges against an employee who gave discounts to poor customers. this coming four days after the organization fired the teenager and had him
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arrested for costing the store $4,000. alli? conventional wisdom says infer fight in front of the children. article making the case for have healthy arguments when the kids are aren't. is that possible? let's bring in our panel. we have dr. lavigne a pediatrician and spokesperson for the american academy of pediatric. also the author of raising a self-reliant child. liz stern is the founder of diva licious moms and school courtroom. let me start with you. you're a mom obviously do you think it's okay to fight in front of kids. >> i think it's okay to fight in front of the children if it's healthy fighting. >> what does that look like? it means it's not screaming. you are not torturing one another. you are not harming one another. you are not using words
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that are really offensive or hurtful towards one another. you know, whether you are discussing something and maybe it's a little bit heated, that's okay. because children need to know that people are going to rg a patients are going to argue. however, i think there is a time and a place and it should be a healthy argument. >> you are a school counselor. do you see sids kids, divorce toxic environment in the home stressful for kids. >> one of the reasons why we even have this study now about, you know, effective arguing is because more and more people are arguing nowadays. i just hope that this isn't kind of a twist on this well we are now kind of like losing sight of the positive things we need to demonstrate as parents, love, affection, hugging each other. we hug each other in front of the kids and they run over and hug us. i understand if you are arguing you definitely want to stay above the belt and perhaps there could be a learning lesson there. >> what do you think, doctor? >> i think in a perfect
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world you are going to model good behavior and have calm, productive, constructive arguments, but every once in a while you are going to lose it, too. because we are all human and we all have a lot going on in our lives. and i think that that also presents an opportunity for a teaching tool where you can, after the argument, after that heated moment, sit down with your kids and say i really hadn't wish i said what i said. or i really wish i said it in a calmer way. kids need to learn we are not all perfect all the time and it's okay to make mistakes and look back on that. >> the benefits of healthy arguing increases emotional skills so that you can sort of hatch a deal with the gamut of emotions. and makes children happier, not sure how that works. i would love to hear your thoughts on this and of course what you were saying, shows how to deal with conflict. things are not going to be rosy all the time. you think it can make kids happier. it makes my son incredibly anxious. when me and my husband have an argue. he gets anxious and basically tap dances.
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>> that raises a really important point which is all kids are different. some kids can handle things that other kids can't. you have to take the temperature of your children when you are having a argument. if you have a child looking down or tap dancing or even crying, well, then u that he is a child that you need to temper your arguments if front of. >> it is important too when you are arguing or going to have an argument, there is a time and place and say to your significant other now is not the time when the kids go to bed, let's, you know, deal with that or talk about it. >> let's have happy time right now. this is our family time. time-out. we can talk about this later. >> and i think that's -- you negotiation, i'm all about let's focus on the other end of it too. we have had blowouts a couple of times with my wife i hate to admit it. what i try to do all i know is with my kids and people i see in my private practices the parents are modeling civility with one another and teaching civility with their kids. >> all right guys. great to have you all on the panel. great advice. thanks a lot. see you soon.
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coming up, he has got a clean driving record but the dmv still took away his license. the reason he? claims his age. is there such a thing as being too old to drive? we have a fair and balanced debate on that coming up. plus, get ready we are headed to the ball for a great cause celebrating women battling cancer. up next. we will meet the newly crowned dream girl. ♪ ♪ so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? no hidden fees. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things." ok, why's that? well uhhh... hey daddy, what's your job? daddy's a uhh florist. are you really a florist? dad, why are there shovels in the trunk? there's no shovels in my trunk. i see shovels... you don't see no shovels. just am. well, it's true. at ally there are no hidden fees. not one. that's nice. no hidden fees, no worries. ally bank.
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now, that's progressive. call or click today. sphblf all right. welcome back here to "fox & friends" on this very sad saturday morning because this is alisyn camerota's final day here on "fox & friends." she will be missed. but it's not without digging through the archives of embarrassing moments as you know. >> i really don't know. how did you narrow it down? >> over the past few days i have gone through the archives with our producers and you found two of my all -- time camerota favorites on the show. alli eating food. she doesn't realize something is in her teeth and i in my natural way decide to call her out on it live on the air take a look. >> retired general eric then shreky. [ laughter ] >> sorry. the camera is on me right there. veterans affair secretary. next time you tell me there is something in my teeth
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make sure the camera is not on me. [ laughter ] >> can i get a mirror? makeup? >> take two. >> a formal announcement comes later today. >> see. [ laughter ] >> that's what i love about alli because in those moments, you just handle it so brilliantly. right? true pro. >> i remember that exact moment because i said in the commercial break after that is there any way you could have just let me read i doubt that anybody could see it there was something green blotting out an entire tooth. it's hard to know what to eat on this show so sometimes i have realized green things bad. >> bad move. >> also, bad move on this show to be dancing and, you know, seinfeld references get built into the show quite a bit. when alli takes to dancing this is another one of my all time favorites. >> so good. >> like a train wreck. people can't look awayment alli doing her best impression. >> train wreck. >> of elaine ben miss
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yesterday from seinfeld. she has got it down cold. >> it's better than i thought. >> no, actually you are better than elaine. i'm more repugnant than elaine. >> both are rhythmically challenged that is how alli dances. >> train wreck. we should mention you are not leaving fox news channel. you are going to the afternoons. >> i'm going to the afternoons monday through friday from 1 to 2:00 p.m. i will be on with hemmer. hemmer time around here. so yeah i'm excited for a new challenge. excited for a new chapter. but, of course, i will desperately miss -- i'm going to save it for the end of the show. you don't get my tears right now. you have got to wait until the end of the show. >> three and a half hours for tears because i will be teary as well. something is blotting out a tooth. >> it wouldn't surprise me. in the meantime get to your headlines and tell you what else is happening this morning. terrorists' next target beauty queens.
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muslim extremists are threatening to attack tonight's miss world pageant in indonesia. [shouting] [foreign language] >> this as thousands of people protest the pageant calling it, quote: pornography. as a result, organizers have been forced to move the competition from jakarta to bali and the first time of the history of the pageant there will be no bikini contest. can you turn off your tv and dvr. the women have to cover up wearing sarang. >> so wrong. [ laughter ] moving on. was it tempting? the nsa admits at least 126 the agency's employees used secret surveillance systems to spy on love interests. one employee tracked nine different women -- he gets around. in nearly every case the workers were allowed to
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retire before they could be punished. new report by the the agency's inspector general finds the spying happened over the past decade. >> it would be tempting. >> incredible police dash cam video to show you capturing a moment that a suspected drunk driver crashes into a car after a crazy high speed chase. [police radio traffic] [sirens] >> look at how close he comes to hitting the trooper. police in orange county, florida say the driver fled a dui stop and was going more than 100 miles per hour when he ran a red light and slammed into another car. four people, including the driver were hurt. okay. those are your headlines. >> my goodness. >> rick, let's do some weather. by the way, we have more from the alli vault coming up in a minute. >> oh goody. >> of course we do. they were just telling me so behind you guys, you can see me. >> look at that. >> that's crazy. >> there you are outside.
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>> what's up? >> that's good tv. >> hello vision. >> it's amazing. take a look at your weather picture as you are waking up this morning. take a look at the maps and show you you what's going on in the east coast. such a great stretch of incredible fall weather. take a look at what happens throughout the day. start out at 9:00 throughout the day. maybe a couple spotty showers across the mid-atlantic there is a coastal storm but way far off the coast it will bring some wind at time across the coastal areas the next couple of days. also going to bring some pretty rough surf. and maybe by around monday a little bit of rain in across maine. rest of the northeast looking good. down to the southeast, start off your morning with rain showers across parts of oklahoma and into texas and throughout the day that front moves very slowly to the east. we are going to see some scattered rain showers and few downpours in maybe a couple spots picking up a beneficial inch or two of rain. across the rest of the southeast you are looking good. into the northern plains, this is where the front is going to continue to pull
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through the day. clearing skies behind that but by the evening we will see the rain showers approaching chicago. a really nice warm up in towards the northern plains tomorrow. still enjoy a beautiful day. down towards the southwest, a nice day but the pacific northwest a ton of rain on shore going to be moving in there throughout the next two to three days. all right, alli, send it inside to you. >> okay. thanks so much, rick. well, for women fighting cancer, the impact of treatment is often both emotional and physical. and that's where the look good, feel better organization steps in. giving free makeovers to these women, helping rebuild their self-esteem. each year the group hosts a gala, honoring women with cancer and crowned one woman to be their dream girl. colleen williams' won that title at the 29th annual ball held this week. congratulations. >> thank you very much. great to see you. tell us about the look good, feel better benefit and the event. >> the event was thursday evening. they have it every year one
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of their cornt fundraisers. way to disseminate the information about what they do. >> how does the organization make people going through this feel better? >> >> what it really focuses on a woman going to cancer they goal to their doctors and get the medical advice. they will say okay, you have cancer, this is how we are going to treat it these are the medicines that we are going to use. really what's going to it happen on the outside of me also. you are going to lose your hair. you are going to lose your eyebrows. your skin is going to it turn colors. look good, feel better has been created, dozen an amazing job. they work with the hospitals, the social workers and they have a workshop. and it is free. it's available to any woman going through. this and it gives them the advice and the confidence to okay, can you put some color on your cheeks and learn how to draw in the
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eyebrows. even for women who have eyebrows it's hard to work with one of the hardest things to deal with they will say no, we can show you how to do this. >> for you you say this was as effective as any support group could have been? >> absolutely. and sometimes you hear that support groups can be kind of maybe a little bit more depressing and not uplifting. maybe it's a place to vent. this was a place where women came together and really laughed. and is he said let's try and this let's try that that color looks great on you. here, let me try this one. at the same time you are sharing the secrets of what you are going through internally also. so, it really. it was really just a fun thing to do. >> very quickly, how did it feel to be crowned their dream girl? >> it was a shock and a surprise. i was very honored because there were so many women that could have done this, you know. many of the women that i met through the workshop and some the volunteers, other volunteer issues that
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they had, there were just so many wonderful women and they could have -- any one of them could have done it. >> alisyn: well, you look stunning. >> thank you very much. >> very glamorous. thank you so much for telling us about it. i will tweet out how to find more about the organization. great toe sue. >> thanks so much. i appreciate it. >> thanks for coming. >> in yeah. >> at least $18 billion in debt. why is the federal government bailing out a failed motor city with $300 million? plus, taylor swift gets a new gig. new details on next move in three minutes. ♪ everything will be all right ♪ you keep me next to you. ♪ [ male announcer ] now, taking care of things at home is just a tap away. ♪ introducing at&t digital life... ♪
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...personalized home security and automation... [ lock clicks ] ...that lets you be cloto home. that's so cool. [ male announcer ] get $100 in instant savings when you order digital life smart security. limited availability in select markets. ♪ we'll take something tasty and healthy. ♪ ♪ if you wanna go and fly with me ♪ ♪ it's buzz the bee on your tv ♪ ♪ oh how did i get this way? ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ there's a party going on in your cereal bowl ♪ ♪ o's can help lower cholesterol ♪ ♪ oh why does it taste so great? ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ hey! must be the honey! could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ohhh...oh boy!
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bankrupt detroit getting $300 million in aid from your taxpayer dollars. don't worry, america, the white house says this is not a bailout. but is there really any difference. ceo of and former advisor to the detroit mark ash joins from us chicago this morning to weigh in. mark, nice to see you this morning. >> glorng good morning, clayton. >> what do you make of this $330 million in federal aid going to the city of detroit? will it help? >> well, there is a guy far more famous than any of us who said maybe we ought to teach people how to fish rather than just hand fish out. and that's what -- we work with governments to do. we teach people how to fish so they don't have to stick their hand out and asking someone tolls put food on their plate. >> here is how this money will break down mark. i will get to you weigh in on this. 150 million will blow to blight redevelopment. presumably tearing down
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were houses. $10 million of affordable housing funds and $25 million to hire firefighters and equipment. seems like smart infrastructure spending. targeted. people calling fire departments and not responding no question that's the clays strong. solid. and that's really where we are with detroit. we have got to foundation there. no one quarrels with making wise investments of dollars if the foundation is strong. we haven't fixed the foundation and that's what we have to con sen. >> bailouts, right? how is this anything about a bailout. not money or a city to help them get out of this problem. that to me is a bailout. it's free taxpayer dollars. >> well, we heard from nancy pelosi last week that the cupboard was bear. it looks like they have
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been able to pull together a couple of table scraps. if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck. it's a bailout. >> so do you think that this money is going to go and do actually any good work? how many billions of dollar of debt is the city? sounds like to me just a drop in the bucket. >> there is no question that's the case. the city is $18 billion in debt. you know, we used to look across america and you would watch people standing in cities in bread lines. what we have now is actually american cities standing in a bred line in front of the white house. >> mark ash who refused to be in detroit this morning. he flew to chicago for this interview. nice to see you this morning, thanks, mark. >> great to he sue, clayton. >> coming up here on the show after slamming gun owners, the obama administration now wants to guard your country's schools with guns. details on the plan and how much it's costing. then he has got a clean driving record but the dmv still took away his driver's license. the reason he? claims it's his age. is there such a thing as being too old to drive?
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arthur and jonna are here next to debate it arthur is trying to read. ♪ ♪ thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it. humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans.
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were they discriminating
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against him because of his age? >> -- to be here. >> getting old does stink and my grandma is going to cut me out of the will when i say. this but if you are 85 and you can't pass the drivers test. you shouldn't be on the road. >> mike you can't pass the driver's test you shouldn't be on the road! >> do you remember what the driver's test is if you don't put your arm out to signal and make a left turn while you turn off the blinker and the radio, you fail. no tickets, no warning signs. his kids were just, like, dad shouldn't be driving. it's so easy to fail a driving test. >> when you're 85 you don't realize how bad your faculties can be. do you want to be on the road
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behind or in front of the 85-year-old who failed two driver's test? >> the bible organization of driving, lists, like, all of these warning signs. this guy doesn't have any of them. they say traffic stops, traffic tickets, accidents, he's got none of that. >> i have an 85-year-old client to me with a ticket going the wrong way on a runway street, do you know what that runway street was, it was interstate 5! a ten-lane highway was the one-way street he was going the wrong way down! >> how many 15 or 18-year-olds make the same mistakes? just because he's 85 should not disqualify -- 85 is the new 65. >> who is he suing? >> he's suing the state. >> the state. >> grividriving is a privilege right. the state has the power to take his driving privileges away. >> any of our driving privileges. when you get your driving license the dmv spends the rest of your driving career trying to
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take it away from you. >> why isn't it simple? he didn't stop where he was supposed to stop, he's having trouble with blind spots. >> what he's saying none of the stuff you're saying has been proven. some 27-year-old actor who is doing a part-time gig as giving the driving tests keeps failing him. if you don't adjust your rear view mirror they fail you on the test. it's easy to fail on the test. >> does he have a case? >> he's got to take the test again. >> a third time? and what if he fails the third time. >> he's allowed to take the test again. >> oh, arthur. >> the united states supreme court justices who are 85 years old. doctors who are 85 years old. >> i guarantee they have chauffeurs. >> if there was an accident if he has been pulled over for driving excessively or driving too slowly. >> his children. >> his children brought it up. >> right.
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>> and they only want what's best for him and maybe that's their plan and they only have their best interests in mind and if the dmv didn't take your license and never give it back they should prove to us that you should drive. >> as long as he's sane and hasn't had too much to drink -- >> you look like walter white from "breaking bad." >> thanks so much. >> where do you get 27-year-old actors? >> they're just very strong conversationalist. by the way, you're not alisyn. come on early, you'll be on with alisyn on her last day. this is not alisyn, ladies and gentlemen. >> although, you are cute. are you a good kisser? >> oh, my god! >> can i sue you? >> i'll represent you. >> we just told you detroit is getting a bailout, uncle sam is at it again giving away your cash to rescue government agencies. we'll tell you which one it is coming up. plus, new girlfriend or new iphone? survey says, stick around for this, listen, some guys would
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give up their girlfriend for a new iphone. >> unless your girlfriend is jona, and then all bets are off. >> or if you're a 27-year-old actor. >> by, the way, how did that go? where did you go? ♪ nice car. sure is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car
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now each of you can personalize your comfort at the touch of a button with our new tempur-choice. so both of you can get your best night's sleep together. good morning, everyone, it's saturday september 28th, i'm alisyn camerota, thanks so much for joining us. here we go again two days away from a possible government shutdown and the president continues his firm stance. >> i will not negotiate over congress' responsibility to pay the bills that have already been racked up. >> so, what can we expect from the weekend showdown? we have a live report from d.c. straight ahead. and i'm mike in for tucker and the president's negotiating but not with republicans, but with iran instead. the president makes an historic phone call saying it's an opportunity to move forward but
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is it a diplomatic breakthrough or a big trap? we report, you decide. plus, are you looking for love? survey says men would prefer a new iphone over a new girlfriend. >> i could see that. >> oh, brother. >> come on. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. welcome in, everyone, mike in for tucker carlson today. >> hi. >> hi. >> if you're just getting up, if you heard the news, this is ali's last show on "fox & friends." >> it's going too quickly. >> it is. >> i can't believe it's hour two. >> our normal show is four hours and sometimes it feels like five hours. >> sometimes it does. >> but today it's flying by, high is that the case? >> i know. we'll have to call the stations and get them to extend it to eight hours today. >> you can do the other four hours. send in your well wishes on twitter. you can send them in to
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ffweekend. let us know. we've dug through the video archives this morning and we'll find really embarrassing moments to show you. >> it shouldn't be hard. >> all we had to do is look at every weekend. >> that's great. >> it was golden. >> all right, we'll look forward to that at the end of the show. meanwhile let's get to the top story, that is, a few hours from now house lawmakers will gather for a special weekend session to decide what to do about the budget bill. of course, the clock is ticking again to a government shutdown. by a party line vote the senate has sent over a stop gap funding bill as they often do also provides money to the president's health care law, so what is next? >> good question, ali, let's ask jennifer griffin who is live in washington with the very latest on this back-and-forth, good morning, jennifer. >> good morning, guys. all eyes will be on the house of representatives today where it's not clear that legislators will vote on a crucial funding bill. the senate sent back to the house a bill that would keep the government open until november 15th but stripped out government efforts to defund president
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obama's health care mandate. >> the republicans in the house have been more concerned with apiecing an extreme faction of their party than working to pass a budget to create new jobs or strengthens the middle-class and in the next few days they'll have to decide whether to keach the government open or create a crisis that will hurt people for the sole purpose of vnceing their ideological agenda. >> republican senator ted cruise said he would not agree to a compromise a one-year delay to begin the health care mandate. >> for me, what i have said is i will not vote for any continuing resolution that funding obama care because i think it's a disaster, i think it's a train wreck, i think it's a nightmare. i'll note the last two terms, train wreck is what the democratic senator the lead author of obama care called it and nightmare is what james hoffa the president of the teamsters called it. i hope the house continues doing what they do. >> the ball is now in house speaker john boehner's court.
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he's republicans plan to meet at noon to see if they can unite behind a strategy. speaker boehner has limited options. the showdown continues at noon today. back to you guys. >> jennifer griffin live for us in washington. we should mention the guests we have coming up on the show, we'll speak to governor mike huckabee on the showdown and two members of congress coming up as well. >> representative christine -- >> holme. >> and jeb hensarling. >> and what will they do when they get the legislation back in the house of representatives? >> we'll have to ask governor huckabee about the first comments negotiations with the president of iran, you know, with the u.n. met last week and we thought we were going to get that photo-op of our president meeting with the head of iran. that did not happen. apparently they got on the phone together, though, and the two talked. first time since 1979 these two leaders communicating. >> it's easy to think, wow, that's a great sign, maybe there will be a cooling of tensions, maybe iran is coming around,
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maybe this new president rouhani is a moderate as he claims, maybe they'll do away with their nuclear weapons plans. but all -- every international expert we've talked to said be very, very wary of what president rouhani is promising in the phone calls. >> ambassador john bolton basically on this phone call questioned, remember, the president of iran is forthright, wanting to get rid of the sanctions it's crushing his people. he has some motivation there, whether or not they'll limit their nuclear program and pull back on that, that's a large, large if. listen to ambassador bolton. >> symbolism is terrible after the white house leaks they're desperate for a photo-op of a handshake between obama and rouhani and rouhani's too busy, has other things to do, shopping, i guess, in new york. i think this represents the visible public collapse of the president's policy supposedly
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against the iranian nuclear weapons program. i have a very bad feeling we're headed in the direction of an agreement that effectively le t legitimizes the iranian nuclear program and leaves the decision when and under what circumstances to break out to nuclear weapons entirely in iran's hands. >> troubling predictions coming from some of our international experts but we will keep you posted throughout the show on what's happening in washington. meanwhile, let's get to your headlines because we also have some headlines and news to tell you at this hour. we know how the name of the pilot that suffered a heart attack in the air prompting american airlines to make the emergency landing. he's been identified as 63-year-old henry skiller. it was revealed the passengers who rushed to help him were two young army doctors. they pulled him out of the cockpit and performed cpr on the floor of the first class cabin. >> i saw them working on the
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captain. it was very impressive how they worked together. >> despite everything the pilot died a few hours later at a hospital in boise. and while you were sleeping police released the suspect arrested in the stabbing death of a dodgers fan. investigators say there is not enough evidence to charge michael montgomery with the murder of 24-year-old jonathan denver. denver died wednesday following a confrontation after the giants/dodgers game in san francisco. investigators say they could arrest montgomery again if they find more evidence against him. and more than nine month hads after the sandy hook shochl shooting president obama will spend $45 million to put armed police officers around the country. new resource officers positions are being created thanks to the department of justice's community oriented policing services or c.o.p.s. as the program is called. $150,000 will go to newtown, connecticut, where that tragedy
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happened last december. the program is backed by the nra. and taylor swift proving she's more than just a country superstar. ♪ oh, identi don't know about yt i'm feeling 22 ♪ ♪ everything will be all right if you keep me next to you ♪ >> the 23-year-old has just been cast in the new sci-fi flick, "the giver" alongside meryl streep, jeff bridges and katie holmes. we'll told swift will have a supporting role. "the giver" hits the screens next august. >> she's crammed a lot in her 23 years. >> leave some for the rest of us. >> working with meryl streep. >> an underachiever. >> she was on our show. >> i remember that. >> she just had her first album and in the green room and 16 years old or something. it's very cool. oh, this flash in the pan, she won't last any time at all. >> yeah, what do i know?
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here's your weather as you are waking up this morning. the east coast this incredible stretch of nice weather that we going to continue so enjoy it for probably about the next four to five days. problems, though, across the central part of the country and this is a slow moving cold front it will take four to five days before it makes its way towards the east coast. pretty significant showers across oklahoma and texas and that's beneficial rain. this right here in the pacific northwest, though, is a blockbuster series of storms going to be pulling in here and by the time this is all said and done moannday into tuesday, ten in inches of rain, and flooding concerns and especially the areas with burns over the last couple years, a potential for flooding, a little bit of snow in towards montana and idaho, but down across parts of the south where they desperately need the rain they'll get good rain across texas in the next couple of rains. >> the flash in the pan over there to ali. >> i bet rick would be on the same page with this because according to a new study out
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this morning one in eight single men would prefer the brand new 5-s over a girlfriend. >> this was a survey out of britain and i think it's because those guys know that their imaginary girlfriends would be impressed if they got a gold iphone. >> right. which are backordered for months. cheryl tried to order hers, i'm not getting it until november, and the other statistic 3% would dump their current girlfriend to get an iphone. >> oh, my gosh. what? mike? >> cads. i would love to actually have them put this to the test. because it's just words at this point but really put it to the test. >> that's a great idea. >> and see if someone would do it. >> have your girlfriend in one part of the studio and iphone in the other and a single guy and see which direction he heads. let's do that. >> that would be hard. that would be really hard. >> this is worth more than you are, and see the interaction.
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>> that's the next level of the test we need to do. interesting about the way in which people are interacting with their devices these days is a new trend that's unfolding when people go out to dinner and restaurants are trying to forbid you from taking photos of your food and uploading it to instagram and things, there's a no flash, no phone policy, but people sitting down to have dinner with their friends are doing phone stacking. have you heard of this? >> we've all been there and four people at a table and you are out to dinner and you realize all of us are on our phones instead of talking to each other. >> why go out to dinner? >> what i like phone stacking, not only are we all on our phones and we all put our phones on the table and there's no room for plates. if you stack it, you are saving space. >> we should explain. it's not just the stacking like jenga. you put your phone in the middle because whoever reaches for their phone first to check a text message or jump on instagram -- >> pays? >> -- pays the whole bill for
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everyone at the table. listen to some folks in new york city on this very issue. >> i'm too nervous i'd lose. >> people are going crazy. you have to, like, sit on your hands not to touch your phone. >> people got twitchy. >> people get twitchy. >> people are cell phone, smartphone junkies. >> there is an obsession with it and i look at the statistics all the time, 26% of people admit to be been saysed with their smartphones so much so if they drive to school or go off to work if they realize they don't have their smartphone they turn around and go back home. >> absolutely. i couldn't make it without mine. it's basically a bet you are playing with your friends when you are doing the phone stacking you have to decide which you care about more your money or your phone. >> right. >> because you don't want to pick the tab up for everybody. >> can you live without your phone for the entire meal you are sitting down with someone? >> it would depend on where you're eating, wendy's or something, i might go for phone because i could pick up the
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check but not some fancy restaurant. do you check -- i do this, it's the first thing i do in the morning and the last thing i do at night. >> sure. it's so sad. do you know what you guys should do phone stacking throughout the rest of the show? >> it's impossible. >> you are always checking it to the end of the show. >> i can't do it because i'll get jittery and because i'm taking fotephotos of you and uploading them. >> i noticed you taking surveillance photos. i thought it was for your home shrine. meanwhile, let's tell you what's coming up. >> coming up on the show, a mother jogging with her baby turns the tables on a would-be attacker, what she did to fight him off. then obama care promised to bring down premiums, but the facts are now out. the numbers are here. some premiums could triple so we'll break down the numbers for you next. ♪ tonight my heart was beating loud if we could escape the crowds somehow ♪ i'm kind of seeing a...
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some kind of... this is... an alien species. reality check: a lot of 4g lte coverage maps don't really look like much at all. i see the aleutian islands. looks like a duck. it looks like... america... ish. that's a map. that's a map of the united states. check the map. verizon's 4g lte is the most reliable, and in more places than any other 4g network. trade in your old device and trade up to america's most reliable network. i've got the good one! i got verizon! that's powerful. verizon. help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company.
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i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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well, one recently released report by obama administration claims that obama care will bring costs down, but in other reviews, well, it claims they won't. in fact, premiums could triple. dr. gina loudon is a political analyst and she joins us live to help us break some of this down. dr. loudon, great to see you. >> great to be here, thank you. >> here's the thinking that this whole program is predicated on the notion that if there's competition that prices will come down. that's how competition works. if you have 53 different choices for your insurance coverage as the hhs report says that we will, your premium will come down. where do you see the fuzzy math as you call it? >> well, it is fuzzy math. all of these estimates are based
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on pure speculation. they don't really have any numbers because never before has something been done like this. we all know this was a 2,000-page bill that nobody even read, so the reality is that no one really knows what's going to happen here and even a former congressional budget office director said we're basing -- we're basing based on our guesses of our speculations, this is purely fuzzy math. >> nancy pelosi famously said we have to pass the bill to find out what's in the bill. it seems as though she was only half right, we actually have to implement the bill to find out how it's going to work. but hhs, the health and human services department, did just put out their survey and their findings which say that in 36 states they believe premiums will go down. it seems as though it's geographic in terms of whether you'll be paying more or less. >> and this is held up against their guesses from before. i mean, these are still guesses. we really have no idea. but if you just do basic math, most people can do this and they can go, okay, we'll have more
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people covered, we're suddenly swallowing up, you know, 7 million new people that have never been insured before. we are putting them all into one big pot. obama says this is going to be better coverage, more people plus better coverage equals lower prices? i don't know how that happens. and, worse, this is on the backs of young people without the young people being in this, the young healthy people in the pool, the program will totally fall in on itself. it will collapse, so they're putting all these costs about 300% increases on young people. >> certainly for young people, "forbes" magazine did an assessment of all of this in contrast to what hhs did in their report, here's what "forbes" found 27-year-olds, young people, will face rate increases as high as 279% "forbes" found. they also said that 40-year-olds in some locations will face rate increases as high as 305%. now, meanwhile, hhs says that they've found that premiums will be 16% lower than originally
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predicted. so, it's hard to know if there's good news somewhere or if it's all bad news. >> right, we know we can always trust these agencies because the irs and the nsa, they've always been so trustworthy, right -- >> i'm picking up your sarcasm. >> this is not making sense. and the real question is it comes down to simple things we can ask ourselves why are only 2.9% of federal bureaucrats even wanting to opt into obama care. you have to ask yourself, these are the people that wrote it, that understand it, if anyone in the whole country understands it, hopefully it's them. they want nothing to do with it the american public doesn't want anything to do with it. we're in serious trouble here. >> we'll see what happens october 1st, dr. gina loudon thank you for your perspect pitch? remember this the i pledge video made in 2009 supporting president obama? >> i pledge to be of service to barack obama. >> i pledge. >> to be a servant to our
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president. >> why it's now part of the curriculum for one middle school. then an escalator goes out of control knocking sports fan down like dominos. what went wrong? that story coming up. ♪ dancing our weapons of choice ♪ [ taps baton ] [ dings ] ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] every thought... every movement... ♪ ...carefully planned, coordinated and synchronize ♪ performing together with a single, united purpose. ♪ that's what makes the world's leading airline... flyer friendly. ♪ flyer friendly. [poof!] [clicks mouse] there's doughnuts in the conference room.
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there's doughnuts in the conference room. automatic discounts the moment you sign up.
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24 minutes now past the hour, time for your "news by the numbers." first $1.7 billion that is how much the federal housing administration needs from congress to cover losses. the first time in the agency's 79-year history it's ever asked for a bailout. up next $9,660 that's how much you can buy a keg of jack daniels for now at sam's club. i know where i'm going this afternoon. >> that's a lot of moola. >> and the truck to haul it.
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finally $9.99 that's how much the kardashian collection is selling for at sears. the sisters' fashion line is doing so poorly the department store put the clothes on clearance. >> i still have some of those clothes from when they came to visit. >> i remember that. >> i remember. you took the shorts strangely. >> i still have them. >> the skorts. an intense new film transports us back to one of the hardest times in our nation's history. >> was born a free man, lived with my family in new york. >> be good for your momma. >> until had the day i was deceived, kidnapped, sold into slavery. >> well, boy, how you feel now? >> let's fiend out more details about this intense movie. let's bring in michael, hey? >> good morning, guys, how are you? >> great. >> this one impressed you, huh? >> you'll hear a lot about this movie up in toronto it took the
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top prize. it's based on the true story of simon northrop, born a free man and lived in saratoga, new york, and he fought to survive and get back to his family. there haven't been a lot of movie based on this chapter in american history and roots and we sat down with a star and we asked him if he felt a certain responsibility to get it right. >> of course, you know, i was paralyzed by the responsibility when i was first starting in it because -- and, you know, when we were sort of beginning the process of rehearsing. i was -- it's all i could kind of think about was trying to make sure i did justice to solomon northrop's descendants and this extraordinary moment in history and this extraordinary time. and all the people, you know, that were involved in it. this was the only script i'd ever read or seen that was really from inside the slave experience from deep inside it,
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you know, this voice reaching out sort of slowly but surely it became just such a privilege to step into his shoes and to try and give him voice and body. >> it's a serious, powerful movie, comes out october 18th. >> and the oscar goes to -- >> show-and-tell. >> probably. >> that looks great. a lighter . >> let's talk fashion, shall we? >> michael cors predicts what's coming up for spring. >> he did. we recently caught up with michael cors and he gave us a sneak peek. >> i kept thinking we live such fast lives, we all have too many devices. we go out to dinner and people have phones and blackberries on the table. some people are looking at an ipad and i thought how do we bring romance back into urban life? how do you feel sexy and feminine without wearing something skin tight? so it was really all about, you know, what catches the breeze when the weather gets warm. and, you know, we were designing
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it at my house out at the beach and we have white linen curtains that blow in the wind and i thought how do we do that and bring it into the city. you know, yin and yang is very michael cors, soft clothes and rugged shoes. there's always that. i think women have lots of different sides to their personality and we, you know, wanted to express that. >> going to be a breezy spring. >> sounds very flirty, fantastic. >> you can for all of the latest follow me on twitter. >> thanks, michael. >> thanks, michael. coming up, they are the nation's largest gun store but one credit card company said they won't work with them anymore because they sell guns. >> what? >> we'll speak to the owner about that coming up. and could fighting in front of your children ever be a good thing? a new study says, yes, making the rational for couples to have a good argument when the kids are sitting right there. is that really a good idea? ♪ we can work it out ♪
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morning. and we were having a discussion earlier in the show because a thought provoking "wall street journal" article this week has been talking about a lot of the latest research in the family as it relates to fighting. so, is it appropriate for the family to fight, husband and wife, to fight in front of their son and daughter? >> right. >> will it affect the kids in a negative way? >> okay, the thinking always was it will affect the kids in a negative way, it will make the kids anxious, are you guys getting a divorce, but the latest thinking if you can fight and resolve it in front of the kids then it gives them some life coping skills. >> we purposely do that. >> because you guys have a blissful relationship, right? >> we save our fights on purpose right in front of the kids, like, save it for the 1-year-old just save it for the 1-year-old. >> hoping that maybe one of the children will leave the home and never come back. i remember growing up my parents never fought in front of us. they had six kids. >> yeah. >> never fought in front of us. and do you know what, i thought it's kind of cool, but i don't think it helped me out later on
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in life. >> because then your first fight something is terribly wrong. >> what's wrong? i avoid confrontation to this day i think because of it. not kidding. >> we had a debate earlier on the show and i totally agree with resolving it in front of the kids thing and here we had a panel this morning talking about the very issue, listen. >> whu aether you are discussin something and it's a little bit heated, that's okay, because children need to know that people are going to argue, parents are going to argue, however, i think there is a time and a place and i think that it should be a healthy argument. >> all kids are different and some kids can handle things that other kids can't and you sort of have to take the temperature of your children when you have an argument, if you have a child looking down or tap dancing or even crying, okay, that's a child that you sort of need to temper your arguments in front of. >> the study shows increased emotional skills will come to your kids and make the children happier. >> not sure how. >> because they can see a way to end the fight. they can actually see some happiness at the end of the
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conflict and show how to -- it shows them how to deal with conflict. >> it makes sense to me. >> but when my husband and i argue, my 6-year-old son goes into overdrive of, like, diversionary tactics, he's, like, singing, he makes jokes, tap dancing. >> show tunes. >> show tunes. he's so uncomfortable with us he gets his arm around both of us and brings us together to hug. >> oh, my goodness, don't fight, because he's leaping to divorce. >> he can't pronounce that word but he occasionally tries to ask about it. so cute! >> phyllis writes and says please don't argue in front of your kids, i, the one and only time my parents argued in front of us, i have never forgotten it, i'm 58 years old. did they resolve it? >> don't give us a cliffhanger, right back. >> maybe the word fight is the wrong word to be using. discussions. >> arguments. >> heated discussions. >> chuck says if the parents argue in front of the children the children will soon learn under no circumstances can the father win that argument.
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it is a wise learning experience for the son. >> yeah, we wait to have this argument where my wife leaves stuff on the steps, i wait to have the argument in front of our kids and resolve it where mommy is still not going to pick the stuff up off the steps. >> that bothers you, doesn't it, that she doesn't pick stuff up off the steps. >> that sounds like a good strategy. >> it works. >> okay. all right, meanwhile, let's get to your headlines and tell you what else is happen at this hour. a mom jogging at the park while pushing the baby in a stroller turned the tables on her attackers. the man tried to take her down with a broken beer bottle but after a brief struggle the woman manages to fight him off with a bike pump. >> i had an extendable bike pump and i kept hitting him and hitting him and he was behind me. his sole intent was to hurt me
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so i was not going to go down like that and leave my son. >> thankfully both mom and the son did not get hurt. police say they're still searching for the suspect who ran off. and a video shown to kids in a minnesota middle school is outraging some local residents. >> i pledge to be of service to barack obama. >> i pledge -- >> to be a servant to our president. >> what? >> well, the 2009 video was shown during a schoolwide assembly as part of activities for something called peace one day earlier this week. it has the look and feel of a campaign ad for president obama. they say such a video is inappropriate for middle schoolers. >> i think you have to support our president but i don't know that it necessarily needs to be put in words like that. >> i don't know that they know enough about government yet. they sprhaven't had those class in school. >> i'm concerned that demi moore
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and ashton kutcher is there. the school admitted it has a political slant and issued a long apology saying it's a mistake and would not be used in the district again. >> i'm concerned about ashton kutcher's sweater vest. >> and hair. and one fight escalate quickly and literally. >> whoa! >> that was a brawl that broke out between rival swedish soccer fans at the top of the escalator when all of a sudden it sped up and everyone fell down like dominos. fans blamed police for the fall saying they pushed a button causing the escalator to accelerate. police say overloading actually caused it to malfunction. >> the guy was surfing the escalator. >> aren't they supposed to be neutral or is that switzerland? hey, here's rick. >> that is such a nightmare.
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going crazy like that. >> they are the safest things in the world. >> unless you don't get off or your shoelace gets caught in it. >> that's happened. >> or behind someone on a stroller. that's a no-no. >> the weather maps, it's a beautiful picture, it's fall. i had a little bit of a panic moment the other daying, oh, no, fall is happening all around and i'm not enjoying it. this is a picture from dot in michigan, very beautiful. you've got a windy day ahead of you and rain showers. 70 degrees, which is very warm. this is in the u.p. of michigan and 70 degrees temperaturewise is not bad. you'll cool down behind a front and warm back up again. send me your pictures rick reichmuth. and let's stick with fall for a little bit. a nice day across the northeast a spectacular one. this incredible stretch of nice weather will continue for us, and down to the southeast we'll deal with another nice day but rain showers across texas and oklahoma. all right, guys, send it back to you inside. >> thanks so much, rick.
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all right, so what if you could shop online and give back to charity at the same time? our next guest is combining those two things into a game-changing business model that's doing amazing things across the globe. it's called sevenly and the creative director danny blanton joins us now. nice to see you. >> thank you. >> you have a really innovative concept and online idea here. how does it work? >> it's a combination of a lot of partnerships, that's the best way to put it. it started out we were making t-shirt graphics with artists and using the graphics to sell to give money to the charities that we wanted to put out into the public. one thing we noticed early on there's great worthy causes out there but how do you find them? >> right. and you couldn't decide which one worthy cause so you decided to sort of outsource that and every week you do a different charity. >> every seven days we change our campaign because we want to spotlight, like, a certain charity because there's so many great ones and that idea it
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spread into other things and if we can do t-shirts, let's do other products and we started to find social good products that are either helping the people around them or they have some kind of social conscience combined with them. >> give me some examples. >> like, this backpack, it helps make jobs in tanzania, but they donate money to the education in tanzania, and we're doing for that week's charity which this week it's jesse reese, but they have, like, a social good concept with their own good product. there's a double bottom line to the stuff we tell. >> your products change every week, because the charities do, the t-shirts change every single week. >> they change every single week because it's for the specific charity for that week but we try to get a big huge turnaround of products and a lot of variety. we change the marketplace, we want some idea how you buy you can make an impact with your dollars and still get a product you want. >> you've had a big impact.
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how much money have you been able to donate to charity as a result of this product? >> we've been able to donate over $2.5 million so far. >> how did you raise $2.5 million? i mean, that's a staggering number. >> it's been unbelievable. honestly it's partnerships, partnering with people, like, sharing the stories online, partnering with artists helping make the things and partnering with the brands that help make a great selection of stuff, and it's all around people helping people doing more for people. >> it's such a great idea, you can see it at what charity are you doing this week? >> it's jessie reese, a 12-year-old girl who had brain tumors and kids in the hospital needed something to hold on to, some kind of hope, and they are fighting a battle that no one wants to fight, and with her parents they put together joy jars which are gifts for the kids to brighten their day and it's an incredible worthy cause. >> oh, it sounds like it. it sounds terrific, check it out at, thanks so much,
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danny, great to talk to you. meanwhile they are the nation's largest gun store but one credit card company says they won't work with them anymore because they sell guns. the store owner here to share his fight in three minutes. humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, to policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what ee comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®. well, you've found delicious! ♪ ♪ if you wanna go and fly with me ♪
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♪ it's buzz the bee on your tv ♪ ♪ oh how did i get this way? ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ it is so honey swagalish ♪ so much crunch, can you handle this? ♪ ♪ the party in the bowl don't stop! ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ must be the honey!
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welcome back, everybody. here's a head scratcher. a credit card company called abruptly ends its business agreement with a north carolina business after working together for four years. why? because that business sells firearms or similar products. hyatt gun shop in charlotte, north carolina, is the nation's largest gun store, so why after so many years did authorize suddenly decide to part ways? let's ask larry hyatt, the owner of hyatt gun shop. larry, thanks for being with us. >> thanks, mike. >> how did they not know what you were selling? the word gun shop is in the name of the store. >> well, that's as transparent
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as we could get. we had no idea that this was going to happen. right at our busiest season we get an e-mail saying we're going to cut you off in 30 days. virtually wiped out three weeks of our business and they didn't even care. we called them to try to get some help. they could have cared less. >> they say it's a violation of the agreement, but, again, after four years, how do they explain it more to you and what do you think's really going on here? >> you know, it's really hard for us to say. we're a family business and we didn't have much power with a big credit card industry and we got no response. they just said we violated their usage policy, that we sold guns, and it was in their -- somewhere buried in their paperwork. but like i say, we've been there four years and guns is in our name, so we were really surprised. >> what did they think you were selling? it says gun shop! >> well, you know, my father started this business in 1959. we've been around for over 50
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years. we got a third generation, my son and he's going to -- expecting a baby and we thought maybe get a fourth generation but the credit card companies might put us out of business first. >> authorize, i don't know that i ever heard of it. are they a subsidiary of visa? >> i'm not even sure. they are a buried a cybersource maybe the head company. we had trouble getting information. you know, small business going into technology, we have to, and it's very hard for us and expensive. and we're learning. and we're at the mercy of these big corporations particularly the internet and the credit card people. >> right. >> very dangerous. >> larry, do you think there's politics involved? i know that i think some of the top people at visa have given to the obama administration, you know, political donations. >> there's got to be something in here politics, yeah, we've seen in the past that yahoo! has kicked our gun website off years ago and ebay wiped out a lot of
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the gun business and the accessories, google took guns out of their shopping system. so, there's definitely an anti-gun bias in a lot of the internet search engines and in maybe the credit card. >> what's the reaction been like down there in north carolina? you getting support? >> we are. we felt surprised. we felt powerless that we didn't do anything and justin anderson put it if our facebook and we were getting some support. it really makes us feel good, because it's a helpless feeling to be in business and a big corporation kicks out, terrible. >> we contacted authorize and did not get a statement back from them so we'll try to continue to get word from them. larry, best to you and your family. >> thank you so much. >> you got it. fresh off his phone call with president obama, iran's president is greeted in his country with a shoe to the head. so, how is the phone call being received here at home? and governor mike huckabee here to weigh in on that.
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then, don't try the ordinary fall getaway. how about a vacation on a hot air balloon? would you do that? cortney scott's here with more unique ways to enjoy the fall season. you are in a hot air balloon? hi, courtney. ♪ ♪ [ engine revs, tires squeal ] [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedes-benz has pioneered many breakthroughs. ♪ breakthroughs in design...
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breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. introducing the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪
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and welcome back. can you believe fall is already here? our own rick reichmuth is in denial and is upset about it. if you are looking to see the best fall colors, we have the best places for you. courtney scott is here to tell us about it. >> hi, clayton. >> we'll start in pennsylvania, my home state, what can we fall there for fall foliage? >> well, if you want to see
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something different, how about a scenic tour through the all gayny allegheny mountains. it is $175. it is a lot less strenuous than a mountain bike. and stay at the omni bedford resort and spa. really beautiful, quaint, $280 a night in the month of october. >> asheville, north carolina, another beautiful part. >> really beautiful. and the blue ridge mountains are one of my favorite places for leap peeping. we have two experiences here. the first is to get carried in a hot air balloon over the mountains. so serene and beautiful to take in the colors. something more adventure, try the zip lining course. it's an incredible 3 1/2-hour experience. $88 a person. lots of adventure courses, repelling, sky bridges, so cool. stay in the town of asheville, a quantd, cool town. hotel indigo, $206 a night, very great.
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>> also, ins a pe s s aspen, c another cool place to go. >> $479 to take a helicopter tour. and in aspen it's all about the aspen trees that pop into colors of gold and yellow with the white bark. absolutely breathtaking. i recommend staying at the sky hotel aspen, it's a kenson property. it is $260 a night in october. >> charleston, south carolina, i wouldn't think of leaf peeping down there, but it seems like a good idea. >> it is. and you don't always have to be far for leap peeping. in the marsh outside of charleston, the marsh turns from green to vivid colors of amber and purple. a really cool way to soak it all in and take a kayak tour. that's 3 1/2-tour. $55 a person. not only are you on the lookout for colors but dolphin pods are
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often found feeding in the region. how cool is that? and the wild dunes resort is on the water, really cool, $179 a night. >> the wild dunes resort there. and up in new england where we think of leaf peeping. >> quintessential leaf peeping but not the quintd essential experience. skydiving over the mountains in connecticut. $245 a person. less if you go with a group. 120-mile-per-hour freefall followed by a beautiful parachuting over the colors. cool, spectacular. best western hotel in boston, only an hour away from this, it's a step up from the average best western and is $220 a night. >> to check out all the foall foliage ideas, go to mike huckabee and
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congressman kristy nome will be with us after this. stay with us.
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sleep number. comfort individualized. visit to find one of our 425 sleep number stores nationwide. good morning, everyone. it's saturday, september 28th. i'm alisyn camerota. thank you for joining us. countdown to a possible government shutdown and democrats are stepping up the rhetoric. >> i called it legislative arsonist. >> the tea party believes in no government. >> we are not negotiating with people strap with a bomb to their chest. >> governor mike huckabee is here with his thoughts in a few moments. and with the clock ticking, the president's got no time for republicans, but guess who he is talking to and making phone calls to? the president of iran.
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haiti haiti hassan rouhani may have a new friend back home, but back home he's getting a shoe thrown at him. look at that. and watch this -- >> congratulations, you are the new miss teen u.s.a. 2013. >> but miss teen u.s.a.'s private moments being tracked on her web cam. she's here live with a message for all of us. "fox and friends" hour three starts right now. you're powerful, the zr director waits for you. >> the director had to listen to
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me for six years. the computer listens. alison camerota is here with her final day on "fox and friends." >> it's going too fast. it feels great. we are here in the zone, it feels great. >> my mom texted this morning and said, i am so sad. i am so sad. boo sad. >> thank you. i am sad as well. i'm excited for a new challenge, which i'll be starting on monday at 1:00 p.m. eastern time, still at fox. i'm excited for that, but i'm really sad. this has been my home, as you guys know, for about a decade. >> so clean out your locker, ali. clean out your locker. >> later we'll see more embarrassing old shots of me. >> i've got a good one. we've dug through the archives of embarrassing moments of alison. when you leave fox and friends, we can't show the lovely moments, we have to show the embarrassing ones. more on that, but you have headlines. don't shirk your duties. you got it.
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this is what's happening at this hour. while you were sleeping, the suspect arrested in the stabbing death of a dodgers fan has been released from jail. investigators say there's not enough evidence to charge michael montgomery with the murder of 24-year-old jonathan denver. denver died wednesday following a confrontation after the giants/dodgers game in san francisco. and we are learning more about the united airlines pilot who suffered a deadly heart attack mid-flight. he's 63-year-old henry skiller. it was also revealed the passengers who rushed to help him were two young army doctors. they pulled him out of the cockpit and performed cpr on the floor of the first-class cabin. >> i saw them working on the captain. it was very impressive how they worked together. >> despite everything, the pilot died a few hours later at a hospital in boise. new this morning, u.s. intelligence warns al-shabaab could be planning new attacks in east africa, but there's no
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specific target or date. meanwhile, dramatic video surfacing overnight showing the moment the survivor os of the kenyan mall massacre were rescued from a supermarket freezer. [ speaking foreign language ] >> the group of men had locked themselves inside there when the gang of terrorists stormed the mall. this happened a week ago. police finally finding them and getting them to safety several hours later. all right, clayton, your favorite story. >> all right, i love this story. it's the number one movie theme song ever. listen. ♪ >> could it get any better than that? the iconic "star wars" theme song beat out "the wizard of oz"
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and "mary poppins." coming in second, "the good, the bad and the ugly." but my favorite, another john williams one, my son, i hope you're watching. here it is. ♪ >> sadly, john williams' "superman" theme did not make the top 20. >> how is that possible? >> come on, it is such a triumphant american song. >> it doesn't have any lyrics. >> who cares! that's movie score, ali. you just like superman. >> maybe. how can that be better than "grease"? >> you said, can you name it, can you name it? i would not have named that song. >> what? >> you said that like we should know, like we should absolutely know that's the best movie score
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of all time. >> what is wrong with society? >> clearly something. brutal. go to the movies if you are across the pacific northwest. take a look at seattle, a lot of people think seattle generally gets a lot of rain, but the next couple of days are going to be incredibly rainy. they get a lot of drizzle, but we'll see very heavy rainfall. some spots up to ten inches of rain over the next couple of days. and that's a lot of rain in a short time. lots of flooding potentially with this. a very powerful system to bring a lot of rain and very strong winds. winds maybe up to 70 miles an hour. so the next couple of days across the pacific northwest from around portland up to seattle not really looking good. temperaturewise, by tomorrow we've got a cold front moving through areas of the central plains today. tomorrow we see a nice rebound in the temperatures back up to 76 in minneapolis. and the high plains looking good, 81 over to the city. >> all right, guys. we can take a few minutes off and just run tape we have done from the show from the past year. >> like "groundhog day" again.
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>> the government is going to shut down, again. >> how many times have we discussed that on this couch? >> and how many times have we gotten the expertise from governor mike huckabee on this topic. >> not enough. he's live with us right now. >> hey, governor, nice to see you. >> ali, i'm going to miss you. i couldn't even stand to be there for the last day so i had to leave town. that's why i'm not in new york today. >> i'm going to miss you, too, but i'm going to haunt your office as i still often do. >> please do. >> governor, great to see you this morning. and to days until the government could potentially shut down. the senate approved a measure to pull out the obama care portion of it, but now they are sending it back to the house of representatives, what do you think is likely to happen now in the house of representatives? will they mention to get the democrats on board? are they going to vote to approve this senate measure? what do you think? >> first of all, let me tell you to tune into my show tonight because i'm going to give a
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solution that could be the solution the republicans are looking for. so i'll just leave thats a a tease. also, senator mitch mcconnell will be there to offer perspective. but i hope the government doesn't shut down because for that to happen the republicans will be issuing a stay of execution for the democrats in the 2014 election. nothing could be dumber for the republicans to do than to give the democrats that kind of weapon going into the election cycle, plus the fact that it hurts a lot of people that don't have anything to do with all the squabbling in washington. and it's just not the right way to govern. >> the people you're talking about are the troops, right? the pentagon saying 1.4 member millions of the military won't get paid. even death benefits to the family, those killed in the line of duty, they would be delayed to the families. >> they will eventually get the money, but eventually doesn't pay the bills this week. it doesn't put groceries on the table today. it doesn't make the rent payment on time. and i think sometimes we forget,
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not everybody's making as much money as the members of congress. maybe they can afford to go without their paychecks, even though they won't, but maybe they could afford to go a few weeks and days. there are a lot of people serving in uniform that can't. social security checks will be paid but the people who process them will be furloughed. so the chances are if you have any issues, you're not going to get it taken care of. you need a passport? sorry. have big vacations planned for the national parks? forget about it. it's unnecessary. it's not the end of the world, it's neither the most catastrophic thing nor is it harmage, but if you're going to hurt somebody, let's hurt the bozos who haven't been able to actually govern. the people who still get their paychecks who are getting the exemption from obamacare because they made that happen for themselves, let's make them feel the full implementation of shutdown, not the average american worker. >> governor, meanwhile, the
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rhetoric always gets so ginned up around these things. is there any way we can just call a moratorium once and for all on people using nazi language or terrorist language? here's some examples from this past week. >> the american people have worked too hard to recover from a bunch of crises, several of them now over the last couple years inflicted by some of the same folks in congress that we're talking about now, to see extremists in congress cause another crisis. >> for many of them, i call them legislative arsonists. >> the modern day anarchist, known as the tea party, they believe in no government. >> we are negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest. >> what we cannot do is agree to an extortion game. >> to try to blackmail a president into giving them some
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concessions on issues that have nothing to do with the budget. >> what do you think, governor? where's the line? not all of that was terroristlingo, but where do you think the line is when people are angry about the issues? >> it is counter productive. if you want to solve the problem, don't accuse your opponent in public being repulsive to everyone. when i was in college studying rhetorical theory way back a long time alaska, you learn that when you lack a substantive argument, you build up the proverbial man and tear them down. you can make an argument that sounds convincing, and that's what you have just heard. the sad thing is there are really issues to be negotiated, but it's unfair to say the tea party are the problem as harry reid and nancy pelosi say. the tea party are moms and dads
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and grandmothers and grandfathers who know they can't run their businesses like the government does. they can't spend money they don't have, they can't borrow money they can't afford to pay back. they don't hate government, but what they do hate is a government that's ineffective and inefficient and that spends their money as if there's just going to be some more tomorrow to come out of the pockets of the people who have worked their rear-ends off all week and have nothing to show for it because the government wants a bigger chunk of it. >> governor, we'll get your take on the new relationship now between the united states and iran. when president rouhani was in new york, we thought there would be a photo op with the president but it didn't happen. but they were on the phone with each other, did you hear what happened to him when he got back to iran? somebody threw a shoe to him, you know what that means. >> that's not a good thing when someone throws a shoe at you. it's not good in america when that happens, but that's really a bad thing when that happens in a muslim country. i hope the president made the call to iran it was a collect
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call, i really do. the last time we talked to iran was when jimmy carter was president and we know how well that worked out for us. you know, i'm not saying we shouldn't have a conversation with him, but it needs to be one we make it clear. they are not going to get nuclear weapons and we'll put the squeeze on them with economic sanctions and run their economy right into the dirt unless they actually can verifiable reveal there is no nuclear program, because you can't trust these people to have a nuclear program for any purpose. >> by the way, the picture of the shoe going at the president there, that crowd around him is screaming out, "death to america." >> governor, we'll be watching your show tonight. >> 8:00 p.m. >> thank you, and ali, all the best to you. >> thanks, honey. i'll be seeing you and really appreciate the good wishes. as i said, i'll still into pestering you, so don't worry about it. >> thanks, honey bear. >> that's a pet name, i
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shouldn't have said that. we've been telling you about it, but the clock is ticking. will there be a government shutdown or can a deal with reached between the two sides? who knows anymore. we'll ask congresswoman kristi noem. she has a message for the president. >> stay with us, honeys. when i first started experiencing the pain, it's, it's hard to describe because you have a numbness... but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. when i went back to my healthcare professional... that's when she suggested the lyrica. once i started taking the lyrica, the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages rves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior.
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we've been talking about it all morning, a government shutdown looming right now in the hands of the house of representatives. so what will they do? >> joining us is south dakota republican congresswoman kristi noem. what's going to happen, what are you going to do? >> well, we'll have a meeting in a couple hours and get the house
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republicans together to try to find a way to bring common sense to the conversation. you know, really what we want to do is to have the president and the senate come to the table and recognize that this is a perfect opportunity to get our country back on track. to be more fiscally responsible and use common sense to put some reforms in place. >> i asked on google-plus this morning, a number of our viewers weighed in for you and their questions are interesting. rick, and i promise i will read them, rick writes, assuming the congress knew that the deadline was looming, why do you guys always wait until the last minute to get started on working for a real solution to the country's problems? answer rick's question this morning. >> he's exactly right. we have been trying to have this conversation for the last several months with the president. as you remember, he's been saying quite loudly he will not negotiate, which doesn't make sense to us because historically whenever we've had a spending bill in the past, we have worked to put in spending reforms, budgeting fixes, things we can do to really make sure that
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we're being responsible with the taxpayers dollars. listen, if our kids went off to college and maxed out their credit cards and came back, we certainly would not be asking them to change their ways to really fix the fiscal situation they were in. we would help them out but put reforms in place and that's what we are trying to do today. >> are we paying bills that we've already spent? now we just need to pay the bill. >> when you talk about the debt ceiling conversation that's coming up, that's certainly true. and that's why you ask for reforms to make sure they won't go out to max out the credit card again and not change our ways. for me that's just common sense. >> what are you going to suggest or what could you hear that will move your position a little bit? >> well, today we're going to be talking about solutions to getting the cr passed, which will fund the government for a few months. for us, we want to deal with the debt situation we have. when you look at obamacare and the spending and debt that
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accumulates on the federal government, that has to be part of the conversation. we'll look at delaying obamacare, attaching that to the funding bill and sending that back to the senate, potentially looking at the exemptions out there and other reforms that could be put into place. >> which the president said he would veto. i don't know if you heard governor huckabee before you were on, but he said it would be dumb and stupid for republicans to not, to defund the government right now and let this thing run up against the wall. what do you say to that? >> i agree with him. i certainly don't hope that we end up in a situation where the government is shut down. what surprises me about this whole situation is we have a president who is so eager to have conversations with iran and to sit down and negotiate with them, yet he won't come to his congress and talk to us about a way forward. for me that's extremely disappointing when you have a leader of the country that refers to us as big satan, that our president will bend over backwards to make sure he's having negotiations with them but refuses to with us.
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>> representative, thank you. good luck with the meetings and let us know what happens. >> i will. thank you very much. coming up on the show, it was a moment the whole country watched, but miss teen u.s.a.'s private moments tracked by a hacker on her web cam. she's here with a message for all of us. we have got to get the three-technique block! i'm not angry. i'm not yellin'. nobody's tackling anybody! we got absolutely... i don't think this was such a good idea. i'm on it. if we can't secure the quarterback center exchange... you're doing a great job, coach. well they're coming along better than i anticipated. very pleased. who told you to take a break? [ male announcer ] want to win yourwn football ntasy? just tell us. then use your visa card for a chanceo win it.
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well, it was a public celebration that the whole country watched. >> congratulations! you are the new miss u.s.a., miss teen u.s.a. 2013. >> that is the moment that cassidy wolf was crowned miss u.s.a., but in her private moments, they were also being watched by a hacker who tapped into her computer web cam. >> yeah, now the fbi has arrested a suspect.
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her former high school classmate. miss teen u.s.a. 2013 cassidy wolf is with us right now. first of all, welcome. >> thank you. >> and congratulations on your win. >> thank you. >> i'm so sorry this is happening to you. a moment of celebration and you find out this stuff. so this guy went to your high school, and he somehow hacked into your computer? >> yeah, he placed a -- i'm not necessarily sure what the name of the virus is called, but he was able to trace the key strokes that i did on my computer. >> and you have a web cam on the computer, so he could see what you were doing in your bedroom? >> yes, i kept my laptop open on my floor just to play music. i never really used my computer but always kept it open not even knowing someone was watching me. and i was just walking back and forth from the shower, changing clothes the night before school or the day of school and he was watching me the whole time. >> that's sick. and this is -- it's a lesson, certainly young people who are constantly online and think you are safe, putting all sorts of
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stuff up on social media, you have a message for teens this morning. what have you learned through all of this? >> exactly that, to be safe with what you're doing online and to watch what you put online. because anything you put online nowadays is there forever. and to just be careful what you're doing on and around your computer. >> how did you know something was amiss? >> i didn't know anything until the night of, the night i got -- the night i got the e-mail i received a notification on facebook that someone had tried to log into my facebook. so then i was watching all my sites, my social media sites very closely and i kind of started to notice they were acting, i don't know, i just had a gut feeling in my stomach. >> you said something about your password, someone had attempted to change your password. >> and facebook notified me, but twitter and my other accounts didn't. >> this is a big lesson because one of the major ways people get viruses on their computer is when someone receives an e-mail, you click on the link that they are not familiar with, you think that's what happened here? >> possibly, yes. >> and he took over your
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computer. that's a malware attack and he followed your key strokes. >> but you're not the only one, he hacked into 40 different computers? >> i'm not sure how many computers, but he had at least eight victims that he was attacking. >> what did he want from you? >> he was extorting me for more photos or was wanting me to skype with him for five minutes, and if i didn't do what he said during the five minutes he was going to -- >> he was going to show the world the photos. >> yes. >> it was 19-year-old jared abrams. you must feel consoled by that. >> i am, yes. >> what do you do now for your future? this is a big victory moving forward, a long life ahead of you. >> i think this will stick with me for the rest of my life. and i think i will always be aware of what i'm doing on the computer. i have a sticker on my web cam and suggest people do the same. i had no idea i was being watched, so that's one way to protect yourself.
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>> and did it change you? i mean, you are so young but i think it has changed you a little bit. >> it has. when i meet people for the first time, it's not really a trust issue, but i'm very reserved and, i don't know, i think it is something that i'll have to grow out of. but for right now, i'm just very, you know, focusing on what i'm doing. >> of course, it's a violation. it's a huge violation to your life and an intimate violation. cassidy, thank you for coming to talk to us about it and warning everyone. it's a great reminder. >> thank you. >> thanks a lot. >> coming up on the show, she was responsible for keeping track of the money, but she was pocketing it instead. and to make it worse, she's accused of taking lunch money from kids. then he fought for our country, now he's fighting just to get a home. there's a big update this morning. we'll share it with you after the break. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you
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if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. mmm. no, it's not hot at all.
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mmm. >> did you eat it? >> uh-huh. >> what's that on the floor? >> jalapeno. >> a sneaky little 6-year-old. >> he didn't believe that his mother said the jalapeno packed a serious punch. he pretended that he ate it until she finds it on the floor. >> what's the deal with parents doing that? because there's a lot of that on the internet. they give their kids a lemon for the first time. >> it is so make it on "fox and friends." there you go. >> any other questions? >> hey, rick. >> we are going down memory lane here because ali only has an hour and a half left on "fox and friends." >> it is going by too quickly.
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>> you have never be up this early again. >> never, ever. >> she'll be up early. >> so this is your favorite moment? >> yes. for some reason, ali, live on television, was out on sixth avenue behind us hailing a cab scantily clad. watch this. >> that's why it is mike's favorite. >> what do you think will happen if i try to hail a taxi? i'm just curious. what will happen if i try to hail a taxi, will anybody pull over? they just drove by. >> not only did they just drive by, i was in my pajamas because models were wearing pajamas out at night. so i was seeing how it went out in midtown manhattan. when i went up to the taxi driver, he shook his head forcibly and then he gassed it. >> he's like, i'm not falling for this again. >> exactly. >> my wife will find out about
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this somehow. >> he looked petrified. we didn't know if he was wanted by the authorities or what was going on. >> he's like, i think i picked you up last night. >> that's amazing. very cool. yeah. >> i worked with alisyn for seven years and i think last weekend was your ultimate weekend. and you knew you were going to be leaving because you went out with a bang. last weekend ali didn't want to do it, and then she did it in serious fashion. >> you're sneaky as that 6-year-old. >> ali! >> come on. everyone is going crazy for alisyn camerota to go down the slide. this is the big count, ali. >> i consider that my swan song.
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>> in a dress. >> yes. >> she's in the first part in her high heels. >> we convinced her at the last minute. >> yeah. >> that's it. >> the rocky mountain. >> that's the crowning glory after seven years on "fox and friends." >> i hope my journalism professors are proud. because that was the crowning moment. >> she has been on "fox and friends" doing that kind of thing. >> if you think of the outfits, i think of you in a bacon costume. there was probably, you were dressed in a cow outfit at some point. there's a long, long list. >> i don't know how we will narrow it down. >> you won't be able to do that with hammer. >> oh, no? watch me. >> hammer is a wild man. >> we have an hour and a half more of this and then more after the show. let's talk about your weather. in fact, you know, i love fall and we've been asking for your pictures. another picture coming in, i
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think i'm saying this to desgrasse, is this up in new york? somebody will tweet me, i'm sure n a second and tell me how to say it. it is absolutely spectacular. adirondacks will peak this weekend. 73 degrees and sunny, that's spectacular. keep sending me the pictures. >> the trees are nice in degrasse as well. >> starting at 9:00 in the morning, tons of sunshine, temperatures in the 60s and 70s. another spectacular one. we are in this amazing stretch of weather to continue. down to the southeast, you can see the rain across parts of the south, oklahoma and texas throughout the afternoon. those storms very slowly move off to the east, so a couple areas picking up an inch or two of rain. guys, back to you on the couch. thank you, rick. meanwhile, let's get your headlines and tell you what's happening at this hour. terrorists target beauty queens? muslim extremists are now
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threatening to attack tonight's miss world pageant in indonesia. all right, those are thousands of people protesting the pageant. those are not what we referred to earlier, i believe. they believe this is pornography. as a result, organizers have been forced to move this from jakarta to bali. and for the first time in the history of the pageant, there's no bikini contest. the women have to cover-up wearing sarongs. a form erica school district accountant accuse of pocketing as much as $3 million in lunch money, judith oaks reportedly caught red-handed on security cameras stuffing cash into her bra. $3 million into her bra? wow. on at least two occasions. the 48-year-old worked for rialto school and resigned last week in the wake of the
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allegations. the police suspect that oaks had been stealing money from the children for at least seven years. quite a tab. incredible police dash cam video capturing the moment of a suspected drunk driver crashing his car after this crazy high-speed chase. just look how close he came to hitting the trooper. police in orange county, florida, say the driver fled a dui stop and was going more than 100 miles per hour when he ran a red light and slammed into another car. four people including the driver were hurt. and one of our nation's heroes fighting to get a home will soon get one. habitat for humanity plans to build a u.s. army sergeant brian wood and his family a home, but some of his neighbors started a petition saying it would not fit in with their community. but now support is pouring in from all over the world. this story was posted to facebook and people have donated
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$40,000 to build the double bronze star recipient a place to live. construction now set to begin in the spring. >> wonderful. >> that's a good news story. those are your headlines. coming up on the a memory that lasts forever? the simple thing to improve your mind. we promise you will like this coming up. and we all know college puts a huge debt on us, but some degrees don't pay off. we'll tell you which degrees to stay away from. ♪ if i had a million dollars
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[poof!] [clicks mouse]
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there's doughnuts in the conference room. there's doughnuts in the conference room. automatic discounts the moment you sign up. . . .
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welcome back. time now for some stories for your health. an fda-approved antidepressant
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reportedly shows promise in the fight against cancer. researchers say that the drug appears to kill small cell lung cancer. that drug is currently in clinical trials. and new research reveals a glass of wine a day could be the secret to a sharper mine as we age? that's good news for me. according to the study, moderate drinking improves memory and learning skills, but only after middle age. scientists say the alcohol's anti-inflammatory properties protect against dementia. drink up. >> that's the best news i've heard all day. well, as the cost of college degrees increases it is more important to carefully choose which degree you earn that gives you the most bang for your buck. so which ones don't pay off? parents, pay attention. joining me is the career development founder of this. >> my students are excited to choose a major they are passionate about, but think about the job potential after
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you graduate. >> it is troubling. some kinds might be excited to do graphic design work and try to get a fine arts degree. that's top of your list here. stay away from it? >> it's one of the jobs with average low salaries across the board. you may not think that going in, but people call them starving artists for a reason. >> that's sad. psychology, you need psychologists but it turns out they can become human service workers, and this is not a smart move either. >> it's another one of these with low salaries. and i think that's the degree where you think ahead of time, what is it that you're going into get out of? what are you thinking about for your job potential? are there work experiences to increase your marketabilities so you don't end up with a low salary afterward. >> you could get a psychology degree but tailor it with internships to really bolster your chance to get the job you want later. >> exactly. that's what i talk to students about all the time. think proactively early on in your student career about what
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it is going to look like after graduation. there are certain work experience that a lot of them are looking for. if you can get that ahead of time, you will make yourself more marketable. your major is one line on a resumé and it will be your skillset that gets you that job. >> when you book a flight and go to travelocity to plan, hospitality and tourism also not the smartest career choice. >> again, this is a job that showed up on the lowest paying salaries. what's interesting is there's variability within this major and with all the other majors. it is about deciding what is it that you're hoping to get out of setting that major early on and what can you do to make sure you are not falling into the low salary bucket as soon as you g graduate. >> if you choose the psychology degree, are you less likely to hop career paths? >> yes and no. every choice narrows your options to some extent. if you choose psychology, there are more difficult things to switch into, but that doesn't
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mean you're stuck there. again, think about your skill sets, is it research, writing or presentations, are there quantitative skill that is may help you upgrade to higher pay within your major. talking to alumni can be helpful. your college career center as well. but one thing is college is in the business of educating students but they have not been in the business of finding students jobs. so i think it's up to the individual to be proactive about finding people in your industry and understanding what is it that makes a difference between the really low paid people with this major and those going on to create a career path for themselves. >> those are great tips this morning. if you want more information, reach out to katherine, the founder of thank you so much. >> great to be here. coming up on the show, she heard a strange voice in her baby's bedroom. turns out a complete stranger hacked into her baby monitor. how does that happen and could it happen to you?
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heather brings it down with some smart technology that goes wrong. and we introduced you to this kid for the first time last year, he found out his best friend was sick with a rare disease and he decided to work on a book to help raise money. both boys join us next with how much they've made so far. they are awake. good morning! i'm angela, and i didn't think i could quit smoking but chantix helped me do it. i told my doctor i think i'm... i'm ready. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. i knew that i could smoke for the first 7 days. i knew that i wasn't putting nicotine back into my body to try to quit. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix.
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52 minutes past the hour. while you were sleeping, a wild police chase through the streets of anaheim, california, with two kids in the back seat. the man was suspected of stabbing the child's mother. the cops ended the chase by
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slamming the car into a curb. the children are reportedly okay. the driver faces felony, assault and domestic violence charges. who's the most bankable star at the box office right now? this guy. kirk cameron. his any faith-based film "unstoppable" earned more than $2 million in one night, despite being in limited theaters. aly? >> thanks. dylan siegal, just 7 years old. when he found out his best friend was suffering from a rare liver disease he was determined to do something about it, so he went to work on a book. >> as of this morning, he has raised -- are you ready for this -- $420,000 for the search on this rare disease. something even large foundations across america could not do. want to meet him? dylan, the author of "chocolate bar" with his 7-year-old friend he's been helping out. hi, guys!
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hoo-hoo! you see yourselves on tv. >> hi. yeah! >> dylan, how did you get the idea to write a book for your friend? >> um, because i wanted to help my friend. >> yeah. do, like, a lemonade stand or a bake sale. [ laughter ] is that too small potatoes for you? >> yeah. >> you wanted to do something big! >> yeah! i wanted to do something big. >> yeah. go big or go home. we agree with you. now, jonah, we should mention that you have a disorder called glycojen storage disorder. your blood pressure can drop dangerously low resulting in seizures, sometimes worse. in is no known cure. how do you feel now that your buddy there has raised so much money for you? >> i feel good, because i think he cares about the disease. >> yeah. and he cares about you.
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doesn't he? >> uh-huh. >> so, dylan, why name it "chocolate bar"? i've been calling aly, since i read your book, i've been calling my friend aly chocolate bar. what does "chocolate bar" mean? >> it means awesome. >> anything can be called chocolate bar. we're going to disney world or disnizland in southern california where you live that would you a chocolate bar? >> yeah. >> yeah, of course! going to disneyland? are you crazy? >> well, yeah. >> yeah, he is. now, jonah, do you know -- how much $400,000 is? do you know what that can buy? >> a lot! a lot of stuff. >> a lot of chocolate bars. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> you guys like the way you look on tv? i see you looking at your tv monitor? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> you're pretty cool. i like your haircut. what basketball team do you
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like? >> lakers. >> yeah. lakers. >> i understand you're going -- >> i like the slippers. >> you like the clippers, too? both teams? >> yes. >> so i understand you're going to the laker game? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> jonah, how you feeling? >> good. >> good. well, you guys are a delight, and great work, dylan, on raising so much money for your buddy. we'll let people know where they can find the book "the chocolate bar." >> wave, one more time. bye, fellas! >> go to if want to learn more about the boys. they're great! >> they're going to make your highlight reel? >> i hope so. all right. back to serious topics here. the clock is ticking, as you know, over a possible government shutdown. the president negotiating, but not with republicans. with iran. >> so is his historic phone call
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a diplomatic braeseakthrough or big trap? we'll show you both sides in a report that you decide. and who's that? one teenager guess a huge surprise on the field when his airman father returns home. >> oh, man. this really gets emotional. get the tissues, we'll show you the whole take after the break. my customers can shop around--
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5:58 am
for all those who sleep too hot or too cool, for all those who sleep and struggle to sleep comfortably together, now there's a solution. the company that individualized your comfort with the sleep number bed brings you sleep number dual temp, the revolutionary temperature-balancing layer with active air technology that works on any mattress brand, including yours. sleep number dual temp allows each of you to select your ideal temperature. so you can both sleep exactly the way you
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like-at your own perfect temperature. and there's only one place in the world you'll find an entire collection of temperature-balancing solutions-including the revolutionary sleep number dual temp layer-designed to give you the soundest sleep of your life: a sleep number store near you. sleep number. comfort individualized. visit to find one of our 425 sleep number stores nationwide. good morning, everyone. it's saturday, september 28th. i'm alisyn camerota. countdown to a possible government shutdown. with just days remaining the president ramps up the rhetoric. >> i'll not negotiate over congress' responsibility to pay the bills that have already been racked up. >> why some say he's turning to name-calling instead of
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negotiating. and with that clock ticking, the president got no time for republicans, but he's talking on the phone with the president of iran. well, hassan rowhani -- clayton morris. >> he didn't call me. he called hassan rouhani. got a shoe thrown at him when he went back to iran. we'll tell you more about that coming up. >> that's how we roll, mike. plus, new girlfriend or new iphone? survey says -- stick around for the answer. what do you prefer? that's leading the witness. look at that sexy photo. >> it is thin. >> that's important. "fox & friends" hour four starts now. hi. my name's alasandra. you're watching "fox & friends weekend." >> that's my daughter.
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>> the last time you'll ever open up "fox & friends." >> i did realize it as it was happening and decided to put it aside because i must be in denial this last hour so i'm not weeping. >> did you hear? she's leaving "fox & friends" to do a show with bill hemmer here on fox. [ crying ] >> i'm excited for the new opportunity and i'm very sad to be leaving, and excited to see what you've cooked up for me at end of the embarrassing hour. >> we've got great clips of aly's history on the show. mostly embarrassing. that's what we demand on the show. you are going to be missed. e-mail us, find us on twitt twitter @ffweekend. a little hangout in the "after the show show" on our "fox & friends weekend" page. >> wow. a lot to get to. >> setting it you for you. >> and a live chat with viewers this morning. you can talk right to aly. answer your questions. let's get to our top story.
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the countdown to the shutdown. feels live week been here before. does it not? always at the 11th hour cliff wondering whether the government will be shut down, whether we'll default on our debt if we don't pass the continuing resolution of the continuing resolution. as you know, there is a battle royale on capitol hill between those who want to fund obamacare and those who do not want to, and that is causing all of this 11th hour negotiations. >> and now the senate got that bill from the house, defunding obamacare. the senate took it out of there. took that provision out of there sending it back to the house and only have two days republicans e of representatives do right now? it's anyone's guess. we've talked to kristi noem on the show, she says they'll have meetings. they're going to talk. >> and a governor, quite strong, cannot do this. republicans cannot do this. the next election cycle, you won't have any victories.
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we'll talk about it. this is what the president said yesterday. >> i'm willing to make a whole bunch of tough decisions, ones that may not be entirely welcome by my own party. but we're not going to do this under the threat of blowing up the entire economy. i will not negotiate over congress' responsibility to paper the bills that have already been racked up. there will be differences between democrats and republicans. we can have all kinds of conversations about how to resolve those differences. there will be areas where we can work together, and there will be areas where we disagree, but do not threaten to burn the house down simply because you haven't gotten 100% of your way. that's not how our democracy is supposed to work. >> harsh language there for the president, and it doesn't sound like any negotiation is going on, any conversations are going on, but one of the reasons governor huckabee says this would be stupid for republicans
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to not do this, people will be hurt. families hurt. specifically we talked about the military. 1.4 million members of the military won't get paychecks. still asked to report for work but won't get paychecks and death benefits poor those killed in action for the families won't be received or delayed as a result. >> interesting. when the president wants to delay obamacare, the health care act, that seems to be okay. but republicans want to delay it -- >> a mandate -- >> also, that the president would say, look, i'm not going to negotiate. i understand he's drawing a line, definitely negotiate, you can't be held hostage to pay are your credit card debt, basically. but, however, why not pick up the phone? what does it hurt? what does it hurt to pick up the phone and to try to talk -- >> we know about boehner. >> try to work it out. basically saying, i'm done. it's up to you guys. if you want to burn the house down -- why not talk? >> speaker boehner said it wasn't fruitful. pleasant, but wasn't fruitful at all. hung up the phone.
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well, that didn't accomplish anything. >> well, this, something that's law, and apparently the american people okayed it by re-electing him in november. >> sure. yes. he did run on that. absolutely. and congressman is coming on and we'll find out what is going to happen at capitol hill on noon that might be able to move the needle and prevent, you know, catastrophe from happening, basically. >> no phone calls to congress, but yesterday the president set to have face-to-face meeting with the president of iran, talk about negotiating. that's an interesting meeting that happened. didn't happen. >> now we find out why the president of iran did not want to take that photo. he knew it would be played all over the world, including in his home country, and this is new information this morning. when he got back to iran, this is what happened. this crowd is screaming "death to america" throwing shoes at the president. you know what that means over there? we don't like you. >> bad news. and the president on the phone, apparently part of, most of the
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bulk of the conversation was about, around their nuclear program, according to the white house, but there are some, some who are saying their president who appears perhaps to be moderate has said that sanctions are crushing his country, and he wants to get these sanctions removed. maybe she going to come to the table in some capacity. >> maybe he is. maybe this is the dawn of a new era, or maybe this is another trick from a country that has been dishonest. >> speaking of tricks, while the president was speaking yesterday, some folks in iran were hacking into the united states navy website. they got in. and they got in. >> not a good sign. charles said we should not be fooled by any overtures the new president of iran is doing. >> what they are doing, very clear, engaging the president of the united states, the west, in these negotiations, to give them just the extra time they need to build the bomb, and modulate,
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unquote, rouhani, the president, he was the chief negotiator for iran exactly a decade ago, and he said, he boasted in a speech in iran that while he was negotiating at the time it was with the eu-3, britain, france and germany, they were able -- the iranians -- were able to finish an you'uranium fast. he said he was not working on a bomb and was never working on a bomb, and everyone knows it's a double lie. yet obama takes the third statement, which was clearly a lie, somehow based and face value and is somehow optimistic that's the new basis of our negotiations. >> we'll talk to the congressman about this and the senate negotiations and the house of representatives negotiations coming up in ten minutes from now. now your headlines. while you were sleeping, a suspect arrested in the stabbing death of a dodgers' fan released
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from jail. there is not enough evidence now to charge michael montgomery with the murder of 24-year-old jonathan denver. denver died wednesday following a confrontation after the giants/dodgers game in san francisco. and we are learning more about that unite airlines pilot who suffered a deadly heart attack mid-flight. he is identified at 63-year-old hentry who was also it was revealed the passengers who rushed to help him were two young army doctors, pulled him out of the cockpit and performed cpr on the floor of the first-class cab. >> i was working on the captain, very impressive, how they worked together. >> despite everything, the pilot did die a few hours later at the hospital in boise. and more than nine months after sandy hook's school shooting, president obama will spend $45 million to put armed police officers at schools across the country. 365 new school resource officer positions are being created thanks to the department of
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justice's community oriented policing services, or c.o.p.s. as it is now called. $150,000 will go to newtown, connecticut, where that tragedy happened, of course, last december. the program is backed by the nra. caught on camera. the moment a u.s. airman surprises his son with a clever disguise. [ laughter ] [ cheers ] [ crying ] >> ah, master sergeant joseph martell returning home from afghanistan a month early, and putting on the opposing team's uniform during his son's high school football game. that's so great. then between the third and fourth quarter, the ref called the team in to discuss sportsmanship and the airman makes the big reveal. you can see, the reunion is a
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real tearjerker. he's like, why is a guy from the other team hugging me? >> going to loggerheads against each other. >> so interesting, his dad, it took him a while to process. >> of course. >> that's -- that's my dad, as a high school kid. >> wait a minute. i've been playing him through the whole game. >> that was great. >> great. let's check in with rick for a look at the fall thrillers. >> once a day we have to do one of those and make me tear up right before i go on. >> you're welcome. >> awesome story. so we have this weird hurricane season. officeriously it hasn't happened. a few things made that not happen. this is where we are. generally you see that peak around september 10th. we're getting on the down side of that. don't think because we haven't had in that we swroent any. things look clear across areas of the caribbean and gulf, but there will be something that develops late other than this week maybe in towards the wednesday-thursday time frame
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that gets somewhere in towards the gulf and we could be looking at at least moisture and rain across parts of florida. they've had a lot of rain over the last couple of months, but seeing more. track that. a heads up. even though nothing is on the satellite picture, something could be coming in time. across the eastern seaboard, know spectacular day. in this really night rut to be stuck in. spectacular weather continuing in across the central plains, some problems. significant rain going across parts of oklahoma and in towards texas. and out across the west, get ready in the pacific northwest. a ton of rain is coming, up to a foot for some. >> a foot? >> yikes. >> yes, of rain. >> wow. >> thanks. coming up next on the show, remember this? "i pledge" video made in 2009 supporting president obama. >> i pledge to be of service to barack obama. >> i pledge -- >> to be a service to our president. >> why it's now part of the curriculum for one middle school.
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welcome back. well, the clock is ticking on a possible government shutdown. next move, up to the house of representatives. what will they do? let's talk with chairman of the house services committee who has a busy day ahead of him. congressman, nice to have you on the show this morning. what are you guys going to do? >> one, it's not going to hurt congress to have to work over a weekend. so house republicans are going to gather today at noon. we'll listen to our speaker's leader and come out with a united plan. i think the speaker has already said what the senate has said is
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unacceptable. and i also find it fascinating that the president seems to be awo aw awol. the president of the united states will negotiate with iranians, with syrians, with russians. he just won't negotiate with americans. >> so what sort of a united plan will come out of the house of representatives? we know what came out of the senate, the removed portion of obamacare in it, sent back to you guys now. the president said he would veto any plan that comes out of congress that would move to defund obamacare. so what sorts of provisionless we see inside this government spending bill? >> again, we're going to have to gather at house republican today in a few hours. i can't quite aquestion. you know what? even if people agree that obamacare is a good thing and, by the way, with each passing day, fewer and fewer americans think that. clearly, this is a program that is not ready for primetime. i mean, nothing was more ironic than 48 hours ago the president trumpeting the rollout of this law and 20 minutes later his
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administration announces yet another delay, this time the smallbusiness exchange signup. so if we can't agree to defund it, can we at least agree as a nation to delay it? it's not just republican it's. >> you heard from other republicans as well. we had governor mike huckabee on the show a few minutes ago saying it's stupid and dumb, frankly, for republicans to vote to shut down the government, and -- >> it's like -- >> that health care, obamacare, if it is that bad, if the american people don't want it, let it stand on its own and -- >> first -- well, i don't necessarily agree with that's had house republicans have already voted to keep the government open. we will send another bill to keep the government open. i don't think anybody wants to shut that down. and the american people deserve the truth. i mean in actuality, it's a slowdown, not a shutdown. it's not good. it needs to be avoided, but at the same time, the american people are speaking out overwhelmingly. they don't want this. and so -- you know, i don't
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understand why the president, again, who will negotiate with iranians and russians won't at least admit at some point this thing isn't ready for primetime. i mean, they've delayed the employer mandate. besides the delay, think about the fairness. you know, every day we have a new news report, many on your network, be it, you know, home depot or be it u.p.s. or some nationally known business is having to cut back on health care because of obamacare. so the answer to the question is, if they won't accept defund, fine. well, at least let's have delay. let's have delay, but nobody's talking about shutting down the government. again, it's not going to hurt congress and the president to have to work a weekend to do something about a law that's harming our economy and is not ready for primetime. >> congressman, before i let you go, a few seconds left. if the house does come back with something and on monday when harry reid says we're not going anything over the weekend in the senate, even if you do get it back to them, are we running out
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of time? monday at midnight. government shutdown. >> if the senate wants to get something done quickly they can get something done quickly. there's time to do something for the american people, and that's to delay obamacare that's hurting our health care, hurting jobs, hurting this economy, and i would hope that reasonable minds can come together and achieve that goal. >> congressman, you have a busy day ahead of you. thanks for sharing a few minutes with us here on ff f"fox & frie" >> you got it. and how the group is making its way into your home now. speaking of getting into your home, we just heard from miss teen usa how she was hacked in her own bedroom on our computer. how did this happen? and can it happen to you? so what can i get you? we'll take something tasty and healthy. ♪ ♪ if you wanna go and fly with me ♪ ♪ it's buzz the bee on your tv ♪
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comfort with the sleep number bed brings you sleep number dual temp, the revolutionary temperature-balancing layer with active air technology that works on any mattress brand, including yours. sleep number dual temp allows each of you to select your ideal temperature. so you can both sleep exactly the way you like-at your own perfect temperature. and there's only one place in the world you'll find an entire collection of temperature-balancing solutions-including the revolutionary sleep number dual temp layer-designed to give you the soundest sleep of your life: a sleep number store near you. sleep number. comfort individualized. visit to find one of our 425 sleep number stores nationwide.
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well, cassidy wolf, miss teen usa, was on "fox & friends" earlier talking about her nightmare ordeal with a stalker who hacked into her bedroom webcam. >> yeah. smart technology gone wrong. proof that wiring your house to your gadgets may have been a downside. >> and we have more. >> reporter: it can happen to anyone. whether a public figure. >> a teenage beauty pageant winner says somebody hacked her bedroom webcam to take photos of her. >> now seeing that someone can easily hack into my stuff just by downloading and incorrect link. >> reporter: or the family is still shaken after saying they heard the voice of a strange man cussing and making lewd comments in the bedroom of their 2-year-old daughter. >> a hacker had taken over began
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shouting at her parents, using cuss words, to. >> reporter: hacking is on the rise, but how can anyone gain control of your personal electronic devices? it starts were you own a smartphone. >> a smartphone talks about devices you can control remotely or automated. that's a smart, a lock. a tv that you can control from your laptop or your smartphone, and turn it on or off. change the channel, whatever. push some kind of media through it, that's a smart tv. a smart product. >> reporter: we asked this man, dan to set up a smartphone and using the home of a "fox & friends" staffer, within an hour a home of the future was built. >> i have control over the lights in this room. the lock on the front door, and i also have control over a camera that is installed in the other room so i can see what's going on in that room.
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this control can be exercised from anywhere in the world. >> reporter: to prove a point we took a trip to a local coffee shop to watch technology and privacy collide. >> we're a mile and a half away from the house and get logged on to see if we can spy on the house. what a regular hacker might be abe to say? >> that's right. >> reporter: looking out the window now. this is live. we can watch everything she's doing. a criminal could be tracking her. >> that's right. >> as you point out, just creeps out there who for fun just watch people on their home video cameras? >> reporter: according, they don't have to be experts. with some basic commuter know-how, send the victim a link. once it's clicked, it's game over. >> when the homeowner clicks that link, this is what i get. >> you use this data after they clicked on a link. >> that's what i get. >> turn that into a password and can logon to all their equipment that way. >> reporter: how do you protect your devices?
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our expert says it's not easy. a good tip, keep the right company. >> it's really about the company. security review. they need to be putting security in as a part of their product development. >> reporter: if your goadget doesn't offer password protection, don't waste your time. >> a basic mistake that says something about what other mistakes could they have made? >> reporter: whether a frightened father with a young victim of cyber crime. >> i'm supposed to protect her against people like this. >> reporter: or miss teen usa, whose most private moments were stoling, there comes potential dangers. >> you never know when someone could be watching. >> reporter: they can also crack codes on your alarm system, garage door opener, thermostats, hot tubs and anything a homeowner chooses to automate. >> wow. >> scary. >> a hot tub? >> what? i mean, you do smarthouse. >> a lot of the stuff, i'm using a nest thermostat, by the way,
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fantastic. the bill dropped by like $400, you can control the heat from here. i can control it on my smartphone. that's sigh lowe esiloed. they can do all sorts of thing. a webcam set up in your house. control that on home i wi-fi network. >> are you good about changing your password? >> i am. there are websites that generate random numbers and letters, and ux you know, all sorts of different setups. it's not just your kid's name, and you change it regularly and don't have to worry about it. >> and don't have to remember it. >> that's great. would be helpful. meanwhile, coming up, remember this pledge? this is a video made back in 2009 support are president obama. >> i pledge to be of service to barack obama. >> i pledge -- >> to be a servant to our president.
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>> adam sandler? >> i don't think so. why this would be a -- he might do that bicep kiss. >> i'll do it before the show. mike, does your closet look like this? >> nothing close. >> actually, yes. it's worse than that. >> stick around. we're going to e should you how to clean it up's my wife and i were just talking about this last night. it's a mess. it's fall. we're going to show you how to fix it. come on back. hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain. it's hard to describe, because you have a numbness, but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. once i started taking the lyrica the pain started subsiding.
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[ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don'drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain.
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have a good weekend, because the federal government is on the verge of shutting down. oh, it is -- oh, my, it is bad. did you see the sign in front of the white house today? "coming soon. white castle." that's not good. not good. >> ah, maybe an improvement. who knows. meanwhile, get i don't your headlines and what's happening at this hour. terrorist, the next target, they say, will be beauty queens. muslim extremists are threatening to attack the miss world pageant in indonesia. [ chanting ] now, these that you're
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looking at here are just people protesting, because they call this pageant "pornography." as a result, both of these things organizers have been forced to move the competition. for the first time in the history of the pageant, no bikini contest. the women have to cover up wearing sarongs. >> that's "so wrong." so wrong. >> that's so good. al qaeda has a new way to spread terror. a twitter account. they've posted 29 tweets describing terror attacks and gathered more than 2,000 followers. this just after the kenyan mall attack was live tweeted by known al qaeda-linked terror ygroup a shabaab. and in minnesota, raising eyebrows of local residents. watch this. i pledge to be of service to barack obama. >> i pledge -- >> to be a servant to our president. >> the 2009 video was shown
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during a school-wide assembly as part of activities for something called peace one day. earlier this week. and meanwhile, it has the look and feel of a campaign ad for president obama. residents say such a video is inappropriate for middle schoolers. >> i think you have to support our president. but i don't know that it necessarily means to be in a forum like that. >> i don't know that they know enough about government yet. they haven't had their classes in school. >> well, the school superintendent admitted the video had a political slant. >> really? >> and issued a long apology calling it a mistake and saying it would not be used in the district again. men, would you rather have a girlfriend or a new iphone? i'll ask you. >> a new survey out this morning, aly, says one in eight single men would choose the new iphone 5s over a girlfriend. >> that's why they're single, by the 3% would dump their current girlfriend in favor of the i fone 5s.
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the fingerprint scan that probably turns them on the most. 3% of men would break up with their current love interest for the new phone. >> well, it just depends on which phone. >> right. if it's just the old 5 -- >> no. >> it does have the fingerprint scanner, that's different. >> oh, that's different. with the 5s. you could easily find a new girlfriend if you have a new phone. >> right. >> hold on. >> okay. >> i know. would you trade in your phone or your wife, for a husband? >> maybe my husband. >> there you have it. another scientific study. take a look at your weather map. out across the pacific northwest. get ready. incredible amounts of rainfall for the next two to three days. today and tomorrow and tomorrow night, the worst of it. some spots are going to see up to about a foot of rain. especially across the higher elevations. windy. at times up to 60 or 70 miles an hour. a rough go across the pacific northwest the next few days.
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northeast, absolutely spectacular. an incredible stretch from the ohio valley, texas, oklahoma. a few thunderstorms today could cause look alike flooding. mike, back to you inside. >> thanks a lot. hey, does your closet look like -- like really bad? i'm going to put up a picture here of a really bad looking closet, but i bet the majority of american, that's what their closet looks like. >> of course. joinings now to fix all of this is organizational expert lisa zaslow. that's the bad closet. show us the before. >> the good
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people often don't wear up to 80% of their clothes. you can get rid of those clothes and sell them at the same time. make extra money, and make more space. >> like a secondhand store? >> a lot of different places. secondhand stores across the country. buffalo exchange is one. they say that people can make a minimum of $15 per item. >> if you haven't worn a shirt in, like, three years, it's time to go. >> absolutely. and why not make some cash at the same time? >> then what do you do? >> in that same apartment survey, people had problems actually putting away their clothes. once you got newer clothes, to make it easier to put away, organize them so you know exactly where they go. >> before is very tempting for
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me. >> an organizing book called "the floor is not an option." i highly recommend hangers, and if you're really lazy, not using a hanger, put them on hooks. get these hooks and pop them into your closet. >> great. do you see that down there? that's great. >> a way to gather things and not be tempted to drop them on the floor. >> for jewelry, instead of it just being in a tangle or heap, you recommend this canvas. >> this canvas jewelry organizer is a fantastic way to keep things organized. keeps things accessible and visible. that's the key is, you want to make things visible so you know what you've got. >> nicely done. okay. and what about shoes? >> shoes -- great to just line them up neatly on the floor. these are -- stacking, they're great for shoes. we don't have shoes in here, but these are great for shoes. things that tend to get lost in the back of the closet, a drawer marks them -- >> these drawers really help. tremendously. >> yes. you can buy them and pop them
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in. >> where do we get more tips from you? >> look on apartment guide dotcom. great fall tips. >> lisa, thanks so much. okay, fantastic. clean out your drawers. >> stay away from my drawers. coming up, a government shutdown looming in washington, d.c. and president obama, back to the old ways of -- well, blaming us. fox news. >> we need you to spread the word, but you don't have the to take my word for it. if you've talked to somebody who said, well, i don't know. i was watching fox news and they said it's horrible. and, is it really where fingers should be pointed? plus, suzanne somers. she always looks great, and today she's sharing her secrets to looking young with us, plus her new book. >> oh, i love her. but first, here's neil cavuto wearing a polka dots sweater as well. good morning. so much hype in this battle in washington, but is the real battle about to hit americans in just three days when those
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health exchanges kick in? maybe your costs go up, way up. do you think this guy doesn't get it? what is it that these guys really don't get it? with all the noise in washington, do lawmakers actually get a bigger message from you. what we're telling them that they're ignoring that could change this country at its very foundation. "the cost of freedom" at the top of the hour. we will see you then. [ male announcer ] ok, here's the way the system works. let's say you pay your guy around 2% to manage your money. that's not much you think. except it's 2% every year.
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well, the clock is ticking on government shutdown and senate democrats pass add budget bill which included obamacare. a new study finds 48% of small business owners would rather shut down the government than fund the president's signature legislation. sounds like the president is right back where he started. but why is he still pointing the finger at fox news through all of this? analyst peters johnson jr. joins us. >> perplexing, aly.
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good morning. now he's going to blame the san andreas fault and the oklahoma dust bowl and depression on who else but fox news, but that is his pattern. so let's take a look. >> first of all, i've got one television station entirely devoted to attacking my administration. i mean, that's a pretty -- >> i assume you're talking about fox? >> that's a pretty dig meg ph e megaphone. >> just in case some of your friends or neighbors, uncle jim's a little stubborn, been watching fox news, but you don't have the to take my word for it. if you talked to somebody saying i was watching fox news and they said it's horrible. >> fox has been critical of the president. >> sure, on the prn side. on the news side, you know, straight up fair and balanced, and the problem is, this is the
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old scapegoat of politics for centuries. if not the millennium. you blame someone else for your own problems. and so mind you, there's a leadership gap in this country. whatever happens, we've got extremists on the left and a very big part of extremists on the right as well. it's the president who's supposed to bring leadership to this country and avoid a government shutdown. avoid a default. if we get into a position where he would rather blame fox news or rich americans, that's wrong. and i think it's not good for the future of our country. >> and furthermore, the president ran on being a postpartisan president. take the high road. get into a discussion. >> talk about the high road and a discussion, i wanted to be here, i'm not usually here on saturday, but have an opportunity to host here on saturday with you. you've ban great inspiration to my daughters who want to be
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young journalists like you. on behalf of all the johnsons, since you're a tiffany person, we have a little tiffany gift from the johnsons. >> oh, come on. thank you. >> we wish you so well. >> it is such a pleasure to have gotten to know you and your beautiful family and your beautiful daughters, who have spent more time in this studio than more people know, and thanks so much, peter. it's been great to work with you. >> you're an incredible journalist. people should know at em ho you're as kind in real life as you are on tv. >> thanks so much, peter. >> thank you. >> you're going overboard. thanks so much. >> see you at 1:00. >> on monday. yeah. thanks so much. >> okay. next, suzanne somers is here. she always looks great, of course, and is sharing her secret toing whoing young with us. come onnen in, suzanne. great to see you.
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[poof!] [clicks mouse] there's doughnuts in the conference room. there's doughnuts in the conference room. automatic discounts the moment you sign up.
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i have a question. are you feeling cranky? >> yes. >> can't sleep? >> yes. >> are you gabing weight? >> yes. >> in your midsection? >> yes. >> you're pregnant. [ laughter ] >> for many women, these may sound like symptoms of menopause. but what if you are too young? >> it's called perimenopause. and suzanne somers says you can bring your body back from that brink and that mental state and get into a more vibrant state of being. it's the topic of her new book, "i'm too young for this." >> hi, suzanne. >> hello. >> this is your 25th book? >> my 25th book. >> where do you find the time? >> i don't know. >> i haven't read 25 books. >> i'm irish. we either drink or write. i do both.
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>> so you're a champion in this book of bio-identical hormone replacement. take us through this. >> hormones are responsible for everything. your moods, your heat, your weight gain, weight loss, how you feel. if you suddenly lost all your hormones, you would die within 10 minutes. so that's how vital they are to life. when we're teenagers, particularly girls, we have raging hormones. then we go through a blissful period where our bodies are great and our hair is great and our skin is great. then one night, you wake up in the middle of the night and you're hot or you itch or you're bloating or you're in a bad mood or it's you. >> it's probably me. >> and then -- >> but you recommend doing bio-identicals, which is different than traditional hormone replacement. >> and they are the safe ones. there are studies out that -- like the american cancer society, 422,000 women. there was a 40% decreased risk
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of getting breast cancer on natural bio-identical hormones as opposed to another study of 80,000 women, where there was a 69% increased risk of cancer on synthetic hormones. when people say they are dangerous, i say let's have a little argument about this. but when women start declining in estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, if it's after pregnancy, if you have post-partum blues, it's because your estrogen doesn't rev up again. and sometimes it never does, and women are left unprotected. progesterone is the anti-carcinogenic. so what happens to most women around 35, it's accelerated because of toxins and stress, is they become what they call estrogen dominant, meaning they are not making enough progesterone. that's what happened to me. i got my cancer at 40.
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it didn't show up until 50, but then it was a large tumor. i didn'trogesterone, so i was left unprotected, making more and more estrogen and gaining weight and bloating and crying for no reason and upset all the time. >> and it was my fault. >> it was your fault. i kept saying to allen, it's clayton. >> well, it seems you have to find the right doctor to help you. >> you have to find the right doctor. and thank you for asking. there's a website, if you go to your regular doctor, with all due respect, they haven't studied it. and they are not going to know what to do. you have to blood test. you have to see where your deficiencies are, and put back -- like putting humpty dumpty back together again. i can't believe how i feel. >> how do you feel? >> at 66. i sleep eight hours a night without drugs. i have a rocking libido. and i say that because a healthy person is a sexual person. and without hormones, you can't feel sex. you know, when you lose your sex
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hormones, women can't feel sex. and that's why a lot of times marriages break up because they think, you know, you don't turn me on anymore. >> do you have any of this stuff on you? >> if you just rub up against me, i'm oozing this stuff. >> the book is called "i'm too young for this," her 25th book. you have a cell phone here, and you brought something special for me. >> i have given each one of you these. this is a nano technology patch. >> you put it on your phone? >> yeah. >> between yourself with the logo against the back of the phone. and here's information. >> life wave. >> it will protect you. >> it's an estrogen patch for your phone. >> these are like microwave ovens without it. this is really important for your children. [ voice on phone ] up high! up high! [ laughs ] up high! up high! [ sighs ] [ chuckles ] yo, give it up, dude! up high... ok. up high... ok. high! up high!!! ok ok
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like a train wreck. people can't look away.
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this is aly doing her impression of elaine benes yesterday. >> it is alisyn camerota's final day here on "fox and friends," and this is one of my favorite moments of her doing the elaine benes dance. >> i just want to say i did also do some very hard-hitting, piercing interviews on this show with news makers. but apparently, no one thought to pull any of those clips. and apparently that isn't what made everybody around here so happy. here's what did make people really happy. the day that i lost a contest, and i had to dress up as a piece of bacon. this was a very quintessential moment. >> yay! [ laughter ] >> this entire costume is great. >> i lost a popularity contest i was hoping to win, by the way. >> you're such a ham. >> that was a great moment. >> we asked our viewers who they would like to see in a bacon suit, and overwhelmingly they
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chose alisyn, of course. >> let me say this. on my last day on "fox and friends", which is so shocking to me, i've been doing this show for more than 10 years and doing the weekend show for a long time, you guys are my family. you're my family. i have been so lucky to work with such talented guys, to have such wonderful work husbands, all of you. tucker carlson, of course. dave briggs, recently departed. >> he is still alive. >> he is still alive. thankfully. >> we have a cake. let's bring in the cake. >> dave, our floor manager here, says we're going to miss you, alisyn. we're going to crack the champagne as well. thank you to my wife for that. >> can i just say this? i have never worked with someone in a female capacity on the air who has been just as effortless and as fantastic as you. >> thank you. >> you are such a wonderful person to work with. >> thank you. it's been such a pleasure.
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>> and a very kind human too. >> thank you. thank you so much to all of you for spending your weekends with us. i know that's a privileged position. i've been very lucky to have it. thanks so much. i'll see you all on monday. the countdown is on, not just to a potential shutdown, but to those health care laws changes opening up. they are now just 62 hours and one minute away. and despite this growing list of employers shown on investors business daily making major changes due to the law, president obama says it's doing nothing to jobs. >> they said this would be a disaster in terms of jobs. there's no widespread evidence that the affordable care act is hurting jobs. >> so come tuesday, who will be right? hi, everyone. i'm brenda buttner. this is "bulls and bears." gary b. smith,


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